View Full Version : Where to adjust text in these types of windows?

August 19th, 2010, 11:30 PM
I've seen other themes where the text at these locations are blue...or at least readable for this theme style. I can't seem to find the locations for these. Can anybody give a hand? Also I cant make the background color stick in these windows either. I set these windows to be pitch black and then after a reboot, they revert to ...charcoal. And for safe measure I've added a 1 at the blue variable in the RGB screens, but they still keep going back. I know I'm missing things, but have no idea where. Thanks!


Dave Senior
August 20th, 2010, 12:16 AM
The only Black text color I know how to change in those screens is next to the check boxes, you have to add a text color property here-

Buttons, Boxes & Controls > Buttons > Button > CheckBox

Which themes have a different text color for the rest of the black text?I,ve never seen it done and I don,t know any one who has!This question gets asked alot, have a look at some of the other posts, if you,ve seen it done alot of people will want to see that.
The back ground and the rest of the stuff for those areas is in the guide-They are all pretty much the same as the taskbar properties popup section in the guide apart from certain black text that cannot be changed.

Lists, Menus & Tabs > Tab > Body- should make that background black but you won,t be able to see much


August 20th, 2010, 02:12 AM
Nope, you were right about some of the text on there and I have seen other posts regarding that. You fixed my other problem with the check box text though. Thank you again man.