View Full Version : Fix: Video freezes or crashes in Windows Media Player

August 23rd, 2010, 01:24 PM
Does your video crash or freeze in Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player or other Windows programs, frequently? Or does your Windows operating system become unusable or unstable while watching videos? If so, then this article may help you.

Microsoft has released an automated Fixit solution which will automatically diagnose and identify codecs that may cause Windows to become unstable or to stop responding.

Windows uses codecs to allow users to view digital audio and video streams in Windows, Internet Explorer, and media players.

What it fixes:

* Internet explorer crashes or freezes while playing video
* Other Windows applications crash or freeze while playing video
* Windows is unstable or is not responding when viewing videos.

How it works:

* Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Services scans your computer and detects the root causes of common problems, then
* Automatically disables codecs that are found to cause Windows to become unstable or to stop responding, and
* Offers additional resources if the problem is not fixed.

Head over to Microsoft http://support.microsoft.com/gp/video_freezes_or_crashes and let it fix the issue for you! The tool will first install the Microsoft Automated Troubleshooting Service.