View Full Version : Office 15: First Screen Shots Unveiled and Office Lime

August 25th, 2010, 07:10 PM
Well, that was quick! Not very far removed from the release of Office 2010, Microsoft appears to be well underway with Office 15. As made apparent by the screen shots below, the infamous WZor (who were quite active with leaking information and builds during the Windows 7 development phase) has managed to get a hold of some pre-alpha Office 15 bits. A brief write-up accompanying the screen shots from WZor states that they will not be releasing build/lab information or the build itself. Likewise, WZor alludes to a release time frame of 2014 (which I’m not completely sold on) and the addition of “Office Lime”. More on “Office Lime” after the screen shots below (click on them to see a higher-resolution version):



Getting back to Office Lime, Mary Jo Foley writes that it’s a user interface utility for Office and not a new application in development for Office 15. Personally, I remember Office Lime being included in Office 14 (the codename for Office 2010), and though I do not have any Office 14 beta builds to install for verification, a quick Google search yields the following two results that reference Office Lime as far back as October of 2009:

October 2009: http://www.redmondpie.com/microsoft-office-2010-beta-2-build-14.0.4514.1009-zin795/
February 2010: http://pc-main.blogspot.com/2010/02/microsoft-office-2010-beta.html

So, between Mary Jo’s investigations and the two links above, I think it’s safe to assume that “Office Lime” is something Microsoft utilizes during the development phase of Office (since Office 14, at least) and indeed not something to keep an eye on for the Office 15 RTM time frame.