View Full Version : Microsoft’s new JavaScript engine, codenamed Chakra, for Int

August 30th, 2010, 07:18 PM
Chakra is the new JScript engine developed by Microsoft for their upcoming Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) web browser. A distinctive feature of the engine is that it compiles scripts on a separate CPU core, parallel to the web browser. Chakra improves the performance of the browser and the web pages render and respond much faster.


Chakra, fundamentally changes the performance characteristics of JavaScript inside Internet Explorer 9. Chakra includes a new JavaScript compiler that compiles JavaScript source code into high-quality native machine code, a new interpreter for executing script on traditional web pages, and improvements to the JavaScript runtime and libraries. You can read more details on Chakra at TechNet http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ie/archive/2010/03/18/the-new-javascript-engine-in-internet-explorer-9.aspx.

The Fourth Platform Preview moves the new JavaScript engine, codenamed Chakra, inside IE9 and brings them together into one single, integrated system. Through this deep integration, the performance of real world websites significantly improves, and IE9 becomes the first browser to have a shared DOM between the browser and the script engine based on ECMAScript5. The benefits are both in performance and consistency.

Last week fellow MVP Vijay Raj, received an an invite to attend a technical briefing up on the Internet Explorer 9 at the Microsoft India Office. The discussion was primarily around the Performance improvements, HTML5 significance, Integrated SVG, WOFF (Open Font Format) and the Hardware Acceleration of the latest version of the Internet Explorer browser. You can check out his post here http://www.msigeek.com/5799/meet-with-microsoft-applications-practice-team-internet-explorer-9-pp4 for more details.