View Full Version : weird issue with replacing image

September 3rd, 2010, 12:41 PM
Hello there, i grabbed a theme that i liked, and would like to customize abit for my own use. here is the issue i hope u can help me with please. i actually tried to change the command module <1> image with others. however when i tried to replace it with the new image size. and the theme became non-workable it turns out to a classic skin. but when i replace it with resized method. the theme is still workable. can you tell me what went wrong?

September 3rd, 2010, 04:57 PM
Reverting to classic is Windows default for handling themes that have something wrong with them. Nothing to worry about there.

Using images at different sizes from the standard Windows theme is always a hit and miss affair. Easiest all round to resize the image before importing it if you just want it to work first time.