View Full Version : Button Beats virtual piano 5

September 3rd, 2010, 11:03 PM
This post is for all those music enthusiasts out there, who like to play the piano! Now you can play the piano without owning one. I was stumbling around the web for some sort of virtual piano or simulator kind of stuff and Viola, I found just the thing I wanted! What more, it works exceedingly well and it’s totally free of cost.


Button Beats virtual piano 5 is an amazing application which virtually simulates the experience of piano playing. This application is for everyone those who are into music or those who want to get into it. The application also has a trainer mode which is tailor made for beginners .

The application has 200 smash hit songs by default to play on the piano with complete set of notations along with it. Apart from these features the virtual keyboard also includes a set of keys for adding background score, playing drum effects on the keyboard, and also has features to record the voice and the piano track using the computers Microphone. You can choose 6 different skins to choose for the piano.

You can also checkout the YouTube videos for How-To’s and tutorials on how to play the piano using this application, HERE. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=buttonbeats+virtual+piano&aq=f

So if you don’t want to spend a hefty amount to by a Piano this is just the thing you want. All in all it’s a cool application for all the music lovers.


September 4th, 2010, 06:59 PM
nice share man!
urm..i like music but not into piano sort of...
mayb i'll try~ :D