View Full Version : Windows 7 registry Tweaks collection over 300 tweaks

September 4th, 2010, 12:56 AM
Hi all :)

I spent so much time creating os mods over the years I have collected and made a large amount of register tweaks this pack contains over 300 tweaks seperated into different catagories :)

There is all the tweaks listed here plus more so enjoy everyone :)


Context Menu tweaks

Add Administrative Tools
Add Advanced System Properties
Add Advanced user accounts
Add Appearance
Add Change Cursor
Add Change Date and Time
Add Change Regional Settings
Add Change Screen Saver
Add Change Sound
Add Change Theme
Add Change Wallpaper
Add Classic System Properties
Add cmd prompt here
Add Control Panel Option
Add Control Panel MY Computer
Add Copy Contents To Clipboard
Add Copy File List Clipboard
Add copy to move to
Add Desktop Icons Settings
Add Device Manager My Computer
Add DPI Scaling
Add Empty Recycle Bin option
Add Flip 3D to My Computer
Add Folder Options
Add Fonts
Add God Mode Bottom
Add God Mode
Add God Mode Top
Add Hide File
Add Hide Folder
Add Internet Explorer to My Computer
Add Internet Options
Add items sending to notepad
Add Manage Option
Add MSConfig Option
Add Network Connections
Add new CMD file
Add open any folder in a new window
Add open with notepad
Add Power Options
Add Printers
Add Programs and Features
Add Programs Option
Add Reboot MY Computer
Add Recycle Bin to My Computer
Add Register AX files
Add register unreg for DLL files
Add OCX register unreg
Add Registry Editor Option
Add Registry Editor
Add Run option
Add Run to My Computer
Add Security Center
Add Services Option
Add Shutdown MY Computer
Add System Properties
Add Task Manager Option
Add Task Manager
Add Task Scheduler
Add the creation of Batch cmd file
Add Turn Firewall On or Off
Add Unhide File
Add Unhide Folder
Add unknown files Open notepad
Add User Accounts Classic
Add User Accounts
Add Window Colorization
Add Windows Switch 3D Flip
Adds LogOff MY Computer
Remove Administrative Tools
Remove Appearance
Remove Change Cursor
Remove Change date time
Remove Change Regional Settings
Remove Change Screen Saver
Remove Change Sound
Remove Change Theme
Remove Change Wallpaper
Remove Control Panel Option
Remove Copy Contents To Clipboard
Remove Default Programs on Start Menu
Remove Desktop Icons Settings
Remove Device Manager Option
Remove Devices and Printers on Start Menu
Remove DPI Scaling
Remove File List Clipboard
Remove Folder Options
Remove Fonts
Remove Games on Start Menu
Remove god mode
Remove Help and Support on Start Menu
Remove Internet Options
Remove Libraries Icon from Explorer Only
Remove MSConfig Option
Remove Network Connections
Remove Open With Notepad
Remove Power Options
Remove Printers
Remove Programs and Features
Remove Programs Option
Remove Recent Items from Start Menu
Remove Registry Editor Option
Remove Run option
Remove Security Center
Remove Services Option
Remove Shortcut Suffix
Remove System Properties
Remove Task Manager Option
Remove Task Scheduler
Remove Turn Firewall On Off
Remove User Accounts Classic
Remove User Accounts
Remove Window Colorization

Disable Functions

Disable Action Center
Disable Administrative Shares
Disable Auto Play
Disable automatic reboot BSOD
Disable automatic updates
Disable Autorun for All Drives
Disable Default Hidden Shares
Disable DEP
Disable Flip 3d
Disable grouping of system tray icons
Disable Hibernate
Disable IPv6 speed up Internet
Disable IRQ8 Priority
Disable kernel paging Optimize Core System
Disable Last Access
Disable Libraries
Disable Microsoft error reporting
Disable screensavers
Disable Shortcut to
Disable Super Hidden Folders
Disable Taskbar Pinned Programs
Disable NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
Disable Recent Programs
Disable Tool Tips
Disable Tracking of Broken Shortcut Links
Disable UAC notify
Disable User Account Control UAC
Disable window animations min max
Disable Windows Defender startup
Disable Windows Mail splash screen
Disable Media Player AutoUpdates
Disables Preview of Movie file formats
Disabling Aero Shake
Turn Off Thumbnail Live Previews
Uninstall Taskbar Jumplist
Uninstall VirusTotal Uploader

Enable Functions

Enable Aero Shake
Enable Cleartype
Enable DEP
Enable Dreamscene
Enable DVD Media Player Yes
Enable Flip 3d
Enable Glass Effect without supp card
Enable IPv6
Enable Last Access
Enable Microsoft error reporting
Enable MP3 Encoding
Enable Shortcut to
Enable slow motion effects 3dflip
Enable Status Bar in all windows
Enable Status bar in Notepad
Enable Teredo
Enable Thumbnail Cache
Enable Tools Folder Options
Enable VirusTotal Uploader
Enable Windows Key Hotkeys
Libraries Restore Default Settings
Restore Default Autorun Function
Restore the Language bar
Enable Thumbnail Live Previews
VHDMount con and discon VHD drives

Misc Tweaks

Admin protected action Succeed
Aero Controller disable Aero interface
Aero PowerShell Window Glass
Allow rename remove of Recycle Bin
Allows instal PlexTools Upgrade as full
Auto Restart Shell fixes conductor on error
Cache more Icons
Clear Hide Inactive Icon History
CMD Prompt Window Glass
Default Value Aero Peek
Disable Fix for games
Disable Thumbnail Cache
Dont allow turn off Network Adapters
Dont mark new applications
Dont save encrypted pages to disk
Dont Use large icons on Start Menu
Enable addition Avalon effects
Keep positive entries in DNS Cache 4 hrs
Game Fix install games require SP1 SP2 or SP3
Permission to modify and all
Hover window select
Logon Screen Text Default
Logon Screen Text no shadow
Logon Screen Text shadow
Make text white in cmd windows
Make reg with Microsoft unnecessary
Notepad saves window position
Open folders in New Window
Open HTA files with MSHTA.EXE
Open NFO files with notepad
Remove obsolete elements system tray
Control Panel Classic View small icons
Show all hidden devices in device manager
Show detailed settings in device manager
Show Encryption Commands
Show hidden files and folders
Show Protected os folders
Show the full path in min windows
Show Windows classic folders
Show file extensions
Stop caching negative responses
Stop start aero
Take Ownership with icon
Take ownership
Taskbar Jumplist
turn off start menu baloon tips
Turn off system beeps
Type Long File Names In DOS
Underline letters on right click
Uninstall Aero PowerShell Glass
Uninstall Auto Restart Shell
Uninstall CMD prompt Glass
Universal take Ownership
Unlock the taskbar
Window Switcher
Windows tell it is doing shutdown or boot

Disable or Manual Services

Disable Adaptive Brightness service
Disable Application Management service
Disable Bluetooth Support Service
Disable Branch Cache service
Disable Certificate Propagation service
Disable Connect Config Registrar Service
Disable Disk Defragmenter service
Disable Encrypting File System service
Disable file association web service
Disable Function Discovery Provider Host
Disable Function Discovery Resource
Disable Health Key and Certificate
Disable Home Group Listener service
Disable Home Group Provider service
Disable Human Interface Device Access service
Disable Interactive Services Detection
Disable Internet Connection Sharing
Disable IP helper service
Disable Link Layer Topology Discovery
Disable Microsoft iSCSI Initiator
Disable Net logon service
Disable Network Access Protection Agent
Disable Offline Files service
Disable Parental Controls service
Disable Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Disable Peer Networking Grouping
Disable Peer Networking Identity Manager
Disable PnPX IP Bus Enumerator service
Disable PNRP Machine Name Publication
Disable Portable Device Enumerator
Disable Problem Reports and Solutions
Disable Program Compatibility Assistant
Disable Quality Audio Video Experience
Disable Remote Desktop Service
Disable Remote Procedure Call Locator
Disable Remote Registry Service
Disable Remote UserMode Port Redirector
Disable Routing and Remote Access
Disable Smart Card Removal Policy
Disable Smart Card Service
Disable SNMP Trap Service
Disable Tablet PC Input Service
Disable TPM Base Service
Disable Web Client Service
Disable Web Services
Disable Windows Biometric
Disable Windows Defender
Disable Windows Error Reporting
Disable Windows Remote Management
Disable WinHTTP Web Proxy Service
Disable WWAN AutoConfig Service
Manual ActiveX Installer
Manual Application Experience
Manual Application Information
Manual CNG Key Isolation
Manual COM System Application
Manual Computer Browser service
Manual Distributed Transaction Coord
Manual Function Discovery Provider Host
Manual HomeGroup Listener
Manual HomeGroup Provider
Manual NET Framework NGEN 32
Manual NET Framework NGEN 64
Manual Network Connections
Manual Network List Service
Manual Peer Name Resolution Protocol
Manual Peer Networking Grouping
Manual Peer Networking Identity Manager
Manual Protected Storage
Manual SPP Notification Service
Manual SSDP Discovery
Manual Volume Shadow Copy

Speed Up Tweaks

500ms Delay Aero Peek
Accelerate Down and Upload
Boot Optimize Optimize system files
Default Scandisk
Default Windows hover
Desktop and Shutdown speed up
Disable Large System Cache
Disable Paging Excutive
Disable Teredo speed up Internet
Disable Up and Download
Dr. Watson Disable Frees system resources
Enable DR Watson
Enable Paging Excutive
Increase Network Throughput
Increase RPC Packet Size
IRQ8 Priority increases the speed of the system
Kill hung services after 5 seconds
Large System Cache
max simultaneous downloads for IE to 20
Mouse Hover Time 20
Mouse Hover Time 50
restore mouse hover time to default
Scandisk change to 5 seconds from 10 seconds default
Speed up shell response
Speed up Access to AVI Media Files
Uninstall Boot Optimize
Universal Tcpip Patch X64 and x86


September 4th, 2010, 01:00 AM
damn this is a great list of stuff thanks :shock: :burns:

Dave Senior
September 4th, 2010, 09:55 PM
A few tweaks there mate! :o

September 4th, 2010, 10:35 PM
that's an big bad-package^^

love it!

October 16th, 2010, 10:04 PM
great packet that do they all work on windows 7

i know the eject cd ' tweak wouldnt work for the context menu :gun: lol

apart from that tho top pack this thanx man :cool:

January 27th, 2011, 12:59 PM
Wow :shocked: It's the complete package.

bgjerlow designs
March 7th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Looks really good tucker, will have a look at these when i got some spare time for it seems that a few of them could be quite useful :)

that's an big bad-package^^

love it!
That's what she said :p

June 11th, 2011, 01:12 PM
Oh, thanks, my boss!

July 4th, 2011, 10:41 AM
:happy: Thanks Razor

April 22nd, 2012, 01:38 AM
it's useful tips ;)! thanks you!

June 5th, 2012, 01:45 PM
- Thanks for share!

July 22nd, 2012, 09:08 AM
links fixed reupped :)

July 22nd, 2012, 03:48 PM
Lost these in my last re-install, thanks :cool2:

August 11th, 2012, 08:21 PM
Thanks for the share mate this will be added to my Tweak Collection :)

September 24th, 2012, 07:39 AM

Thank you so much for your effort! :happy:

October 1st, 2012, 09:59 AM
Thanks a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 2nd, 2012, 04:33 PM
Brilliant download! Some nice tweaks for sure ;)

November 2nd, 2012, 05:27 PM
excellent works friend :givahand:

May 3rd, 2013, 08:35 AM
Thanks for all the work.

May 3rd, 2013, 10:30 AM
Bro i think you should re-up link again cause when i download your arhive, winrar & 7zip tells me that is broken and cant access it, anyone else experience same issue?:unhappy:

May 3rd, 2013, 09:30 PM
link fixed :)

May 3rd, 2013, 09:50 PM
Thank you my friend! :peace:

link fixed :)

May 26th, 2014, 01:00 PM

December 10th, 2014, 09:40 PM
Nice bro

January 29th, 2015, 01:23 PM
Best collection out there thanks

June 11th, 2019, 04:00 PM
so good