View Full Version : Token V2 Icon Pack With Installer

September 4th, 2010, 06:04 PM
by Mr-Ragnarok.
This will only work for WIN7 BUILD 7600 X64 (64bit).

There is NO folderband (the panel with organize, share etc)
So make all the changes commited to that panel before U install cause that option will be gone after install. Its no big deal if U forget cause U can always run a normal installer to get it back.
The installer is very detailed with all the little things.
It will also change the startup sound and logon screen.



September 5th, 2010, 10:26 AM
:flirt: very nice, thanks for share :flirt2:

September 5th, 2010, 03:36 PM
You're welcome Eva. :)

September 5th, 2010, 07:17 PM
very nice thanks

September 5th, 2010, 09:50 PM
Glad you like it mate.

September 6th, 2010, 02:30 PM
by Mr-Ragnarok
This will only work for WIN7 BUILD 7600 X86 (32bit).
There is NO folderband (the panel with organize, share etc)
So make all the changes commited to that panel before U install cause that option will be gone after install. Its no big deal if U forget cause U can always run a normal installer to get it back.
The installer is very detailed with all the little things.
It will also change the startup sound and logon screen.



September 22nd, 2010, 06:29 AM
Thanks a lot for your work.

September 22nd, 2010, 01:30 PM
You're welcome Olive89 & thanks for your comment.

November 17th, 2010, 07:04 AM
thanks man, it looks good.

November 17th, 2010, 03:12 PM
You're welcome enef :)

January 13th, 2011, 01:11 PM
hi sir.. can you give also the theme?? :cool:

January 13th, 2011, 03:54 PM
Here the link http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&secti ... p#/d2xx3tf (http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=&section=&q=Elegant+Black+by+Bhast2lp#/d2xx3tf) for the original post, maybe can help you. :smile:

January 2nd, 2012, 09:16 PM
please replenish the files here!:happy:they are dead:anger:

January 2nd, 2012, 09:30 PM
You Know This Is The Theme Style I Really Like... I Don't Really Care For Bright Colors . I Like Dark Theme's and This One That You Have Developed Is The Color and Style I Truly Like...

Thank You So Much For Sharing...

August 30th, 2014, 01:44 PM
Re: Token V2 Icon Pack With Installer

Here is the new link for the original post:
http://mr-ragnarok.deviantart.com/art/Token-IconPack-Installer-207280582 (http://mr-ragnarok.deviantart.com/art/Token-IconPack-Installer-207280582)

and a Trouble Shooter: [link] (http://mr-ragnarok.deviantart.com/art/IconPack-Inst-TroubleShooter-162046583)

November 4th, 2014, 01:35 AM
I so so want this icon pack for my Windows 8.1 install ...

Can anyone here make this possible, or show me how to do it?

Pretty please with sugar on top :loving:

November 4th, 2014, 02:00 PM
idle (http://virtualcustoms.net/member.php/243562-idle) you want this one specifically or will one that is similar work? cause there is this if you're interested. you will need 7tsp to install them. if you have any other icons installed using 7tsp or a autoinstaller you will have to uninstall them first.


here is the thread for 7tsp


November 4th, 2014, 11:12 PM
Yeah I needed dark icons as I'm using Teek Theme with white background:


I ended up finding the above here: http://winempyrean.net/token-dark/ which also has the white icons too. Now I'm trying to figure out how to change the taskbar icons to match. I right-click an icon and select properties and hit change icon, find the icon file I wish you use and select it. But for some strange reason it doesn't change, and when I reboot, I get a blank icon that looks hell ugly lol

November 5th, 2014, 05:42 AM
Dear friend,

Please use restorator or a similar application to change the icons for the programs you wish to, and the same will reflect on the taskbar. That's how I do it.

For others, if there is an easier way to do it, please let us know.


November 5th, 2014, 06:31 AM

WOOHOO I finally did it! :laughing:

Used a program that I found @ DeviantArt called 7CONIFIER that allows you to customize any icon in the taskbar or entire system with the icons of your choosing. AWESOME program!

At last my desktop and icons are complete. VERY happy chappy lol


November 5th, 2014, 12:17 PM

WOOHOO I finally did it! :laughing:

Used a program that I found @ DeviantArt called 7CONIFIER that allows you to customize any icon in the taskbar or entire system with the icons of your choosing. AWESOME program!

At last my desktop and icons are complete. VERY happy chappy lol


Hey bro.. what rainmeter skin are you using there?? Thanks

November 5th, 2014, 12:41 PM
http://pul53dr1v3r.deviantart.com/art/illustro-Pulsar-1-4-Rainmeter-444287665 There you got mate.

Does anyone know how to play around/remake Rainmeter skins? I found an awesome skin http://j22fish15.deviantart.com/art/Master-Status-Bar-for-Rainmeter-472694537 that I desperately need working, but it doesn't fit my screen. I have a 17" laptop 1920x1080
If your desktop is under 1080 pixels wide, this skin will not fit.

If anyone knows how to fix/change it so I can have this skin working, It'd be muchly appreciated. Also if I can get it working, is it possible to change the Metro style icons for Token icons to match my system's theme style? Hell I'd be willing for part with some $$$ if it's like a huge task that requires many hours of work?

Anyway, if someone can help :loving:

November 5th, 2014, 03:43 PM
http://pul53dr1v3r.deviantart.com/art/illustro-Pulsar-1-4-Rainmeter-444287665 There you got mate.

Does anyone know how to play around/remake Rainmeter skins? I found an awesome skin http://j22fish15.deviantart.com/art/Master-Status-Bar-for-Rainmeter-472694537 that I desperately need working, but it doesn't fit my screen. I have a 17" laptop 1920x1080

If anyone knows how to fix/change it so I can have this skin working, It'd be muchly appreciated. Also if I can get it working, is it possible to change the Metro style icons for Token icons to match my system's theme style? Hell I'd be willing for part with some $$$ if it's like a huge task that requires many hours of work?

Anyway, if someone can help :loving:

Dear friend,

My two cents:

Your desktop has a width of 1080 already. So, I'm not sure as to why it won't fit perfectly. I downloaded the skin, and checked the config file. you will need to undo any initialization (currently, values are initialized and invoked as and when required during the program), and give it your own values. You can also reposition the icons on the bar by giving the x and y coordinates whatever values you want, and it think it happens best through trial and error. Points to remember:

1. Anything arranged horizontally will have the same 'y' coordinates.
2. Anything arranged vertically will have the same 'x' coordinates.

It's quite simple and straightforward actually. Also, try the following:

1. Click on the link (http://www.deviantart.com/browse/all/?qh=&section=&global=1&q=rainmeter)
2. Go through the rainmeter tutorials there; they're really useful.
3. Apply the same learning to the skins that you wish to tweak :)

I would advise that you spend some time figuring this out for yourself mainly because you would not need to depend on anyone to tweak things out for you, thereby reducing your waiting lead time, and making you more proficient, independent and self-sufficient going forward.

I have no technical skills whatsoever, and if I could figure it out, I'm sure you'll do wonders :)


Dark Knight
November 5th, 2014, 05:18 PM

WOOHOO I finally did it! :laughing:

Used a program that I found @ DeviantArt called 7CONIFIER that allows you to customize any icon in the taskbar or entire system with the icons of your choosing. AWESOME program!

At last my desktop and icons are complete. VERY happy chappy lol


There is no reason to use software to change your taskbar icons, especially 7 conifer, which if memory serve me right comes with adware / malware bundled.

There is a way to do it manually without any software whatsoever.

The pdf attached is the from How To Geek site, a webpage I converted to pdf for reference when needed, the tutorial is for Windows 7 but applies to 8 and 8.1 also.

November 5th, 2014, 11:20 PM
Craniumshatter - I thought it would fit too, that's why I tried to use it, but check this:


No one else is reporting this @ DevinatArt so I guessed it doesn't fit? As for the link, hrmm it seems awfully technical to do, I only just learned how to change the weather code lol

Dark Knight - 7CONIFIER is Malware/Adware ? I can find no information online about this, and I did a boot-time scan after using it and found nothing. Thx for the tutorial, I've saved the pdf for future reference.