View Full Version : Simple theme request.

September 12th, 2010, 09:24 AM
What I'd like should be simple for anyone with any sort of experience with creating themes and a half-decent artistic mind. Unfortunately, I lack both of these.

I'm running Windows 7 Ultimate x64, and I basically want a conversion of the standard Aero Glass theme to black. The themes I've found all have either altered taskbars or maximize/minimize/close icons. The native ability Windows 7 permits one to modify the Aero theme is, at best, mediocre. When I maximize windows, I get black-on-black text, rather than glowing white-on-black text as I'd like. I'd like a black "selected" look to show up on menu boxes, rather than the default look. I'd also like black window frames and backgrounds.

I was actually a fairly big fan of "Basic Black" from MrGrim, but it had a modified scrollbar, modified icons, and lacked glowing text.

This probably sounds like a ridiculous request. There's actually a reason behind it: I'm colorblind, and brighter colors just don't work well for me. The high contrast classic themes are ugly (and the classic theme just looks terrible on 7), and I can't figure out how to properly make a simple black theme for 7.


September 12th, 2010, 03:21 PM
Whilst it's certainly possible to go some way towards this I'm afraid some black text on a white background and, worse, some black text on a black background will always be here to stay. Some parts of Windows and many 3rd party programs are unaffected by themes. (And as a word of caution, it's as well to check whether printing from applications that do take the theme will be done literally as white text on black cos that's a very expensive option on paper!)

Do you literally want glow on ALL text? At smaller font sizes I would have thought that counterproductive. And what exactly do you mean by a "black selected look"? If the background's black already how would you be able to see a black highlight?

September 12th, 2010, 07:56 PM
This is my current theme. My problems with it are that my start menu's background is still white and that window titles have glowing black text on a black background.

I like Basic Black, but I don't like some of the things that are modified in it. I just want my title bar and menus changed.

I don't want the color of things like address bars changed, if possible.

Things I notice most:
1. Start menu is still white.
2. Title bar text is black on black.
3. Window borders are still white.
4. Windows Explorer backgrounds and "ribbon" buttons are still white.

I'd like those to be changed. If you know of a theme that modifies all of these things without any strange modifications to the textures, you could point me in that direction. Now that I think about it, a black background in something like notepad would be strange.

Let me rephrase what I'm looking for: I want a high contrast black analog with Aero Glass. I'm colorblind and it would be very helpful to me.

September 13th, 2010, 02:10 PM
I doubt that any generally available theme exists with such specific parameters but I've grabbed myself a copy of Basic Black and I'll see how practical the changes are as an adaptation.

September 13th, 2010, 06:41 PM
The color scheme from basic black is pretty much exactly what I'd like. I'd just like the maximize/minimize/close buttons to look normal, as well as the start menu. The theme is great, I'm just not much for the new skins on things.

Also, how do I go about finding a matching skin for WMP?