View Full Version : Download Free Halo Reach Guide and Xbox Halo Reach Invasion

September 16th, 2010, 09:45 PM
Microsoft is making big news with the world premieres of Kinect for Xbox 360 and Halo: Reach. Millions of fans worldwide are celebrating today’s release of “Halo: Reach,” the newest installment in the Xbox 360 sci-fi saga.


To help you get started you might want to download this Halo: Reach Guide http://halo.ign.com/articles/features/6291/Halo-Reach-Guide-Index

It has everything you need from where you need to go to where all the good weapons are to the most up to date control schemes. This guide is big and we hope that it helps you when it comes the time that you are in need.

In this guide you will find a full walkthrough for the ten mission campaign, weapon placements and strategies for each multiplayer maps and much more. Even if you’re an experienced Halo player this guide will certainly have something for you.

You can also dress your Xbox Dashboard in something Halo: Reachy today with the release of the free Invasion Theme.

It’s now available for free from the Xbox Live Marketplace http://marketplace.xbox.com/en-US/games/offers/f0000037-0000-4000-8000-00004d53085b