View Full Version : DefenceInspector

September 27th, 2010, 02:50 AM
olks frequently have questions about whether they have too many or not enough security programs and if programs will conflict or if their computer is secure. DefenceInspector is a basic tool which checks the security of your Windows computer.


DefenceInspector will quickly scan your computer and generate a log file providing basic information about your computer and listing your installed security programs.


DefenceInspector will quickly scan your computer and generate a log file providing basic information about your computer and listing your installed security programs.

In addition to listing security-based programs, version numbers and any additional Windows based settings, such as Internet Explorer version, etc.

DefenceInspector will also list information about frequently exploited programs, like web browsers, Java and Adobe products.

The tool uses a database to compare what security software you have installed and what versions and list the findings.

DefenceInspector is compatible with both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating systems.
