View Full Version : That many files?!?!?!

September 27th, 2010, 10:59 PM
I am just about to try out making a theme, and I noticed, there are a lot of files.... do I honestly edit all like 7,000 files or what ever? or am I looking at the complete wrong file to edit?

bgjerlow designs
September 28th, 2010, 08:39 PM
I am just about to try out making a theme, and I noticed, there are a lot of files.... do I honestly edit all like 7,000 files or what ever? or am I looking at the complete wrong file to edit?
No you don't have to do that. I take it you have the theme open in restorator or similar when you wrote this, correct?
Well, i would advice you to use Windows Style builder (see my post in your other thread) which will make it way more organized. Also, in WSB, you dont have to edit every single image to make a theme; some of them are for basic (which you might not want your theme to support) so you can skip editing those, except for a few, those you have to edit for the images to change, but all the locations for this stuff is in that tutorial i linked you to in the other thread ;)

September 28th, 2010, 10:24 PM
Alright thanks, I read my other forum first =P so I knew what you were talking about, thanks a lot... so it seems VSB/WSB are the way to go? More info on other post =P lolz

bgjerlow designs
September 29th, 2010, 01:07 PM
Alright thanks, I read my other forum first =P so I knew what you were talking about, thanks a lot... so it seems VSB/WSB are the way to go? More info on other post =P lolz
Yep, Wsb sure is the best way to go ;)

And you're welcome :)