View Full Version : Nothing works anymore

September 30th, 2010, 09:47 PM
After customizing my laptop, theme, cursor, icon set etc, youtube, sound and nothing really works anymore, any ideas?

October 1st, 2010, 01:14 AM
After customizing my laptop, theme, cursor, icon set etc, youtube, sound and nothing really works anymore, any ideas?

Can you give us a few more details on what you mean by nothing really works anymore, are you still able to boot into windows? have you tried a system Restore? Are you using your own custom theme? What version of Windows Style Builder are you using? If it was v1.4 did you apply the fix so it saves the images correctly to prevent the login loop?

Any details at all you can provide us will help us figure out your problem.

October 1st, 2010, 12:27 PM
Everything boots up fine, but sound, flash, Java, and most websites do not work, as for theme, I've tried swapping back to a regular windows 7 theme, to no prevail. So I do not know what's causing the problem. Guess I might just system restore to before all of the customization, but that means no more WSB, and other programs that I've downloaded since.

And for the VSB, I have 1.5v now

bgjerlow designs
October 2nd, 2010, 08:27 PM
Everything boots up fine, but sound, flash, Java, and most websites do not work, as for theme, I've tried swapping back to a regular windows 7 theme, to no prevail. So I do not know what's causing the problem. Guess I might just system restore to before all of the customization, but that means no more WSB, and other programs that I've downloaded since.

And for the VSB, I have 1.5v now
A system restore do not delete your files, so if you have a backup saved of the WSB install files, then you can just install afterwards ;)
Whats the last thing you did before this happened?

October 3rd, 2010, 12:33 AM
Oh, and I figured it out, it was the theme... Installed a few other themes and they worked fine, so i just can't use that other theme =P

bgjerlow designs
October 3rd, 2010, 12:40 AM
Oh, and I figured it out, it was the theme... Installed a few other themes and they worked fine, so i just can't use that other theme =P
Which theme was it that caused these problems then?

October 3rd, 2010, 05:52 AM
It was Death by BigCyco, But I am guessing I just installed it incorrectly and messed something up somewhere