View Full Version : Noob in training

October 2nd, 2010, 04:00 PM
hey yalls :nerd: Im the new kid on the block. and seeing as the themes aren't automatically installed Ive no clue on how to install them. so any help and tips on what a noob like me needs to do to install a bad ass theme would be greatly appreciated.

Ps. if this thread is in the wrong forum or the title is some how inappropriate sorry I'm new.

oh and here are my specs.
windows 7
HP Pavilion Entertainment PC

October 2nd, 2010, 05:47 PM
Themes usually include a zip file with the necessaties for the theme... some include an exe file, and some are installed by 7tsp

Make sure to make a system restore point!

if it includes an Exe file(Such as Lefty's "Solution") just right click and run it as an admin.

If it has a set of files, usually 2 or 3 files, select them, and move them into the directory "C:/Windows/Resources/Themes"

Both: Then (what I usually do), restart your computer so it loads up the file, I believe you can just refresh the explorer though. Then, Go to your desktop, right click and click on "Personalize" and scroll down to Installed themes, select the theme you installed and Poof!

For 7tsp, follow this helpful tutorial by Mr GRiM [link=7tsp Tutorial:2j7kgkeu]http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=3174[/link:2j7kgkeu]

Extra Info: If the theme includes a text that you do not have, Install the text BEFORE you install the theme, by right clicking the text and clicking install, opening it, or dragging the file to "C:/Windows/Fonts"(Requires explorer/computer restart I believe)

If the theme includes a rocketdock/hyperdesk/what ever else dock there is, install the files for the dock into the respected directoy(Differs depending on which dock) Check around forums for installation methods

Any other questions, feel free to ask, I am quite new to customizing aswell, but I am sure we have some more knowledgable people around here somewhere lol

October 2nd, 2010, 07:47 PM
wow thnaks this should help out a lot :-D thanks!

bgjerlow designs
October 3rd, 2010, 09:47 AM
wow thnaks this should help out a lot :-D thanks!
But first you need to patch your system: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=707 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=707) ;)