View Full Version : Reaplaicing images in Shell32

October 9th, 2010, 09:33 AM
Edit: I just used a simpler program and found the start menu user pic frame tool.

I tried once to replace images from DeathStar Theme in system32 to get rid of white space in control panel and computer properties, and had to restore. I use Restorer 2007 and am not familiar with it. Can I get step by step instructions how to replace a bmp? There is also a start menu user pic frame but have no idea where that goes.

when i attempted i got a shortcut image to show on top of icon.

October 23rd, 2010, 05:41 AM
yeap youre doin it right. just drag your custom *.bmp to appropriate location, a "shortcut" arrow should appear on the *.bmp you just replaced. click save wen you done. and for the start menu "user-pic frame" you have to edit. explorer.exe and replace "7013" we desired user-pic *.bmp

October 23rd, 2010, 06:25 AM
Forget about editing dll''s, just use Theme Resource Changer and add the extra images to the Deathstar theme folder.

Just extract the shell32.dll, explorerframe.dll and explorere.exe folders and put them in the Deathstar folder where the deathstar.msstyles is and run the theme resource changer and then apply the theme from the personalization menu.


Then if you want to change the images just open the folder with images you want to change and replace it with your own, just make sure the images you use are png though or it wont work, you can do the same for all your themes installed and then any time you change a theme in the personalization menu all the little extras will be changed as well without the need to edit any system files.

October 23rd, 2010, 06:26 PM
Hey guys,

I understand the method, but how would one go about finding which images belong to what file?

For instance...in which file folder can I place a new image of a start orb? [ 6801.bmp to 6801.png ]

Also, if the theme resource changer has already been run once, does it need to be run again for each change?


October 24th, 2010, 02:57 AM
start orbs need to be placed in the 'bitmap' folder in 'explorer.exe', files need replacing are 6801, 6805, and 6809. if you you want to replace your startmenu userpic frame then you replace 7013 also. I dunno if you got wut Mr. Grim said but wut he means is you dun need to know where to look for these files if you alread gots 'theme resource changer' installed in your system cuz all you need to do now is make 3 additional folders (namely 'explorer.exe', 'explorerframe.dll', and 'sell32.dll') inside your 'themename' folder. note that they are not the actual system files but FOLDERS named after the systemsfiles you wish modified, from there you just put your desired images (in *.png format) in their respective folders and named accordingly (e.g. for 'start orbs' files have to be named '6801.png', '6805.png', and '6809.png' in the 'explorer.exe' folder in your 'themename' folder)

once youve installed 'theme resource changer' theres no need to run it every time you want to switch themes, go straight to 'personalize' and pick desired theme and 'theme resource changer' will do its job unobtrusively. always read the "read me.txt." that comes with the downloads, it normally explains everything you need to know about wut you downloaded. hope this helps.