View Full Version : How to Restore All Configuration Settings of Microsoft Secur

October 15th, 2010, 09:20 PM
If you are a "Microsoft Security Essentials (MSE)" user and want to restore all settings to default, here is a simple and easy solution for you.

Surprisingly MSE doesn't provide any option to restore default settings in its configuration window.

In this topic, we'll tell you how to restore all configuration settings of MSE to default using a built-in MSE command.

=> Simply provide following command in Command Prompt or Startmenu Search box or Run dialog box:

"%programfiles%\Microsoft Security Essentials\MpCmdRun.exe" RestoreDefaults

It'll open a Command Prompt window and will close it immediately.

Now you can check MSE configuration settings and all settings would be restored to default.

You can also create a shortcut for the command and place it on Desktop or Quick launch toolbar or pin it to Windows 7 Taskbar.