View Full Version : Start Orb Problem

October 21st, 2010, 09:32 AM
hello people of VC, I just downloaded one of Mr. Grims themes (Black Glass Aero) and used theme resource changer on my system and made the necessary folders to modify the theme a bit to my preference. so in my explorer.exe folder I place there my desired "start orb" which is from Mr. Grims "Midnight" theme, for some reason my start orb doesnt display properly as you can see in the attached screen pic. theres a black frame around it which I dont think is supposed to be there. I am a newb at this so pls. explain to me wut I did wrong in layman's term. btw, I just have to say you guys are doing a exceedingly superb, and first class job here. I think you guys in VC should get paid for this. hoping to hear from you guys soon.



also, if anyone can teach me how I can use hyperdesk to replace/edit my sytem files I'd greatly appreciate it. thnx.


October 21st, 2010, 11:02 AM
wut I did was I simply renamed the start orb from *.bmp to *.png, will that do? or do I really have to save it as .png using photoshop or paint?

October 21st, 2010, 12:03 PM
oh ok, my problem is I dont have photoshop (I havent EVER used photoshop in my life so even if I did I doubt I'd be able to do much with it) cuz my rig is brand spankin new and just came from fresh install so it has nothing in it yet except the basics as you can see from my screenie on my first post. is this something thats complicated to do or can anyone help me do it for me? I attached the files that I just noticed are in .bmp format that might also need editing if anyone out there has the time and is willing to help me with this. I dun normally ask people I dont know favors but I dun know wut to do at this point. :(






October 21st, 2010, 02:58 PM
Thanks man! wow dude, now my desktop looks awesome! for some reason though, although my userpic frame (start menu) is now change to what I want, it is not displaying my user pic... just an empty frame. also I tried changing my logon userpic frame (has my user pic but frame did not change) in "authui.dll" (I replaced 12223.bmp, 12219.bmp, and 12220.bmp) but for some reason it does not affect my logon userpic frame, what did I do wrong this time?

October 22nd, 2010, 04:18 AM
thanx a bunch dude! now my desktop rawks thanks to your help. I posted a screenie on:

http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/27466-Post-your-Desktop/page144 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14&p=23209#p23209)
what do you think? suggestion? :what:

October 22nd, 2010, 05:15 AM
thanx a bunch dude! now my desktop rawks thanks to your help. I posted a screenie on:


what do you think? suggestion? :what:

Glad to of helped :)
maybe try rainmeter so you can get a few gadgets on your desktop

yezzur, thanx for the advise. already got rainmeter running. ^_^ check last post on "http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14&p=23209#p23209" thats what my desktop currently looks liek. :cool: