View Full Version : How to Enable Hidden Features (Music, Podcasts, Smart DJ and

November 1st, 2010, 10:55 PM
How to Enable Hidden Features (Music, Podcasts, Smart DJ and Social) in Zune Software?

If you use Microsoft's Zune software in a country like Australia, you might have noticed that some features Music, Podcasts, Smart DJ and Social are missing in the software.

Actually these features are hidden by default in the software. May be Microsoft made them hidden for some unknown reasons?

Anyway you can use a very simple registry trick to re-enable those missing features. Thanks to our reader "Mark" for sharing this trick.

1. Type regedit in RUN or Startmenu Searchbox and press Enter. It'll open Registry Editor.

2. Now go to:


3. Under this key, create a new key FeaturesOverride

4. Select the new key and in right-side pane, create new DWORD values as given in following list:


And set their values to 1


5. That's it. Now you'll be able to enjoy the missing features in Zune software.