View Full Version : Bill Gates(Microsoft) Versus Steve Jobs (Apple) Comics

November 6th, 2010, 01:40 AM
Just something I found on one of the sites I check for new pretty funny lol


Anyway, after looking at a bunch of them for the past day or so, I decided to cook one up of my own based on the one thing I think about the most when I get into debates with Apple bigots (no, I’m not saying that all people who use Apple products are bigots; I’m just talking about the Apple fans who act high-and-mighty). If you don’t understand what I’m referencing in the comic, then take a few minutes to watch the video clip I’ve posted just beneath it. It will all make sense then. ;) Anyway, here is my spin on the Bill Gates versus Steve Jobs comics:



November 6th, 2010, 01:43 AM
lmao lmao