View Full Version : How to patch your theme files to enable 3rd party themes

November 16th, 2010, 04:04 AM
Patching theme files to enable 3rd party themes

Prepatched theme files only for use if you don't have sp1 installed if sp1 is installed use one of the other patches below

As most of you already know to use the themes available on this site you need to have 3.dll's in your system patched to enable the use of 3rd party themes. What this means is the code in the dll's is altered a slight bit so they are not locked to just use microsoft themes only.

The 3 dll's that need to be patched are themeservice.dll, themeui.dll and your uxtheme.dll these are the dll's that are patched to allow use of 3rd party themes.

Now to patch these dlls there are a few ways you can do this...

I have uploaded the set of 3 dll's for each x86 and x64 systems that are already prepatched. Meaning these dll's already have the patches done to them you would just need to download the right set for whichever os your using and replace the 3 dll's in your system32 folder which can be found at c: windows\system32

The dll's to download can be found here on the site: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29112-Prepacthed-windows-7-theme-files-to-enable-3rd-party-themes

To replace these files is very simple just download the pack for you os x86 or x64. Go to your cdrive: windows\system32 folder

and first take ownership of your 3 files to take ownership of the files you can follow the tutorial posted here : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30412-Take-Ownership-tweak-and-manual-take-ownership-for-exe-s-cpl

after having taken ownership of the files, right click on each one and rename them to .old so it would be as so

themeservice.dll - themeservice.dll.old

themeui.dll - themeui.dll.old

uxtheme.dll - uxtheme.dll.old

then copy and paste the same 3 dll's you have downloaded from that patched theme files pack above into the system32 folder and reboot your computer. Once rebooted your theme files are now patched and you can use 3rd party themes like the ones from this site.

Other theme file patch methods

Uxstylecore theme files patcher


With uxstylecore you can download the installer for your system x86 and x64 run the installer to patch your theme files.

Uxstylecore is the main theme patcher that has been used since back in the xp days for patching theme files and has been updated for each new os that microsoft has put out it is one of the best patchers around.

Take note uxstylecore will add an extra service to your windows after patching but not to worry it takes up no resources.

Uxstylecore can be found here : http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/31514-Uxstyle-Core-Theme-Patcher-

[size=4]Universal Theme Patcher 1.5


Universal theme patcher like uxstyle core is an application that can be run to patch theme files to use 3rd party themes as on this site.

Just download the application for whichever os you have x86 or x64 and run it to patch your theme files

Universal Theme Patcher 1.5 can be found here: http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/29058-Universal-ThemePatcher-by-SumoSoft

[size=5] remember you need to have your theme files patched before you can use themes from this site.

Hope this tutorial helped you and happy themeing :)

January 26th, 2018, 03:00 AM
Lol This tutorial what i want searching for but some link are not working so please see that and i am waiting for it update thank you..

April 13th, 2020, 08:34 PM
It really helped me ................Thanks .

June 24th, 2020, 09:06 AM
Большое спасибо, я нигде не нашел таких подробных инструкций!

Thank you very much, I have not found such detailed instructions anywhere!