View Full Version : Taskbar not in correct place

November 17th, 2010, 11:33 PM
taskbar not in the correct place how do you fix this thanks for your help



November 18th, 2010, 02:28 AM

The reason why the taskbar looks like that is the spot you have that bar in is just for the middle portion of the taskbar the ends are located up above in the one that says taskbar, so open taskbar and image 1 would be what u need for the ends :)

November 18th, 2010, 03:59 AM
this is what i did to get the taskbar to work correctily

1. taskbar & SystemTray > taskbar>Aero>taskbar image file 1
2. taskbar & SystemTray> taskbar>Aero>taskbar image file 3

3. taskbar & SystemTray> taskband>Aero>taskband>background bottom image file
4. taskbar & SystemTray> taskband>Aero>taskband>background top image file

5. taskbar & systemtray> taskband>Aero>taskband (small Icons> background bottom
6. taskbar & Systemtray> taskband>Aero>taskband (small icons)> backgroundtop

#3, #4 #5 #6 has to have the same image file if {Not} it will not work!