View Full Version : Vienna Experience Transformation pack 6.1 by ~AppliArt

November 18th, 2010, 02:07 AM
Vienna Experience 6.1


Thanks for viewing the Vienna Experience 6.1! The following description will tell you all about this new release of the Vienna Transformation Pack.



It's back and it's better. Ths new version of Vienna has one new exiting feature and that's the use of an installer system! There aren't many new things changed from Vienna 6, but there are some little changes.

Feature List
A lot of things are still the same but with some subtle changes.

Installation system
Finally an installer for Vienna. Powered by CustoPack Tools, this installer is easy and highly customizable


Panels System Suite
Panels System is the Vienna Experience's own Rainmeter suite. It has been made by =poiru and it mixes advanced Rainmeter coding with an easy to use interface, which makes it easier to use and control. It has been updated to the latest version featuring some bug fixes.

Minor modifications:

CD Art Display
CD Art Display Beta 3.0 has been supplied, aswell as 2 skins, one for the Panels System suite, and Kaori, my own skin.

These cursors worked out great with Vienna 5, so we decided to use it again in Vienna 6 experience. These nice cursors, made by ~musicislife1995 go along great with the Vienna style.

A custom logon has been made by me which fits with the Vienna 6 experience. An application to change it is included.

Start orb
My Tail startorb has been chosen to be the official start orb. It has been included for installation in the Installer.

A new default wallpaper has been selected for this release. The wallpaper is KAIA by =wasimagined

Major modifications:

Visual Style
Something were we quite proud of, the Vienna visual style of ~benbackman has been included to be the default visual style in the Vienna Experience. UxStyle has been included for a safe an easy installation.

File modifications
Vienna Experience includes many dll file modifications, all integrated in the installer, for easy installation!

The Flurry icon set has been included, (c) 2009-2010 by David Lanham and Louie Mantia.

Q Does this work on Windows XP/Vista?
A No. The Windows XP version has been archived and is no longer supported.

Official website
You can find more information at the Vienna website, which is here. http://www.freewebs.com/viennatransformationpack/

November 18th, 2010, 02:59 AM
wow, this looks amazing, great pack bud! cant wait to give it a try

November 18th, 2010, 05:18 AM
raz - you do good work in providing this site excellent quality products - "vienna experience by appliart" [released early this november] is a great vs.theme.style - i highly recommend users to try it - thx for adding it to vc's vs.themes list !!

ps: "i was glad to view it on vc's showcase.turnstyle."

bgjerlow designs
November 18th, 2010, 05:58 PM
It's a pretty awesome VS, i like it a lot myself :)

November 24th, 2010, 02:04 PM
nice :cool: