View Full Version : Internet Explorer 9 Platform (Developer) Preview 7 (PP7) Rel

November 18th, 2010, 02:59 AM
Microsoft has released Platform Preview 7 for its upcoming web browser IE9 which is available for download at following link:

Direct Download Link [dl:3kxm2a3q]http://download.microsoft.com/download/3/A/C/3AC3F207-1B72-4678-AB6A-3D6C56A241E9/iepreview.msi[/dl:3kxm2a3q]

Homepage http://ie.microsoft.com/testdrive/

Following are a few interesting facts about IE9:

* IE9 uses a new script engine codenamed "Chakra"
* IE9 provides better support for several standards: HTML5, DOM, and CSS3
* IE9 provides hardware-accelerated SVG support

IE9 can be installed on systems running Windows 7 and Vista SP2. Both 32-bit and 64-bit systems are supported.

NOTE: There is no Information Bar (aka Gold Bar) in Platform Preview. As a result, downloads initiated by script will not function. Files can be downloaded using the "Save Target As…" in the right-click context menu, by clicking on hyperlinks to files, and by typing a download URL in the Open dialog (Ctrl+O).