View Full Version : RE: [2] Theme Request's - "Heroes + Torchwood"

November 28th, 2010, 06:07 AM
re: Two [2] Theme Request's - These are my first theme request's here - so, if i'm not posting in the proper place - pls advise accordingly - thank you !!

Some of you designer's here may know me and some i've yet to meet personally [eventhough, i know many fine, wonderful designer's worldwide] - for those that don't know me, my name is "max" and i'm a great admire of fine, quality vs.theme.styles - i'm not new to vs.theme.styles customization - but, i'm an old guy that's busy in other area's of research/customization and if i were a young guy like you, i'd probably be creating vs.themes - So, here we go - if anyone is familiar with these [2] tv series either "heroes or bbc: torchwood" - they're both relatively recent, and highly successful tv series - so, i thought i'd share them here and offer you the opportunity to try your hand's on designing these vs.theme.styles - if any of you vc designer's choose to create these themes, it would be great and i'm very confident that any of you fine vc designer's would do great quality work that you could be proud to present or release on your behalf - so, therefore, if anyone is interested, you can reach me via email.addy [ quaz1957@aol.com ] - again, please forgive me if i did not present this post in the proper area.

That's about it guy's - thank's for taking the time to read/hear my theme request post here @ vc on these prospective project's and if anyone chooses to create these vs.themes, i'd be greatly honored and appreciative - again, thank's much for your ear and your time !!

maximus = max