View Full Version : I'm in a new game pre-alfa called Miner Wars.

December 3rd, 2010, 02:17 AM
I'm really excited about this new game. it's a FPS that will be single player and co-op that takes us into space to battle it out for mining rights and the domination of the solar system. Later after the single/co-op game comes out there will be an MMO based on the same game. It should be out in the summer of 2012 with the single/co-op coming a year before that in 2011. if you would like to get in on the action all you have to do is head on over to the site and get involved. right now they are offering the game at 70% of to get people interested and involved with the pre-alfa and betas once they are released. therre are also other ways to earn your way onto the beta team that won't cost you a dime. right now there is a benchmark of the game you can download and test your system with and it will give you a chance to see the game in action to find out if it peaks your interests. you can download it here. http://www.minerwars.com/Downloads.aspx (i need to double check this..) i bought the game and haven't downloaded the stand alone benchmark, it comes with my version.

so if you are into 6 degrees of fighter freedom and would also like some mining chores to do head on over and check it out..