View Full Version : Find Out Who Viewed Your Facebook Profile Scam Goes Viral –

December 10th, 2010, 11:29 PM
Once again, these Facebook application scams goes viral! This time, it spreads this message on all the wall posts, “OMG OMG OMG… I cant believe this actually works! Now you really can see who viewed your profile! on [LINK]“. BEWARE! There is no functionality in Facebook to view such stats of who is checking out your profile. The application spreads this message across the Facebook social networking site.

Don’t get tempted to click the link and try out. Will you be interested to give your personal data and email information to scammers ? If so, then try it out! This is how it goes, Once you click the link through some friends wall post, the application will ask access to your Facebook profile.

Once you’ve given access to your Facebook profile, it sends the message to all your online friends, post messages to any Facebook pages you may administer and ultimately spreads the message virally.

Don’t become a victim of this viral scam!

There is no such feature to check out who visited your Facebook profile, its a viral scam that is spreading. On a average survey, it has spread to more than a lakh Facebook profiles.

Once you’re aware that you’re a victim of such scams, straight away go to your Account > Privacy Settings > Applications and remove access to such dirty applications from your Facebook account.