View Full Version : Need some help with scrollbars....

December 11th, 2010, 04:53 PM

So here's the idea, i love Deep7 3.0 windows 7 theme but i really gonna love it so much more if i can get Deep7 2.0 scrollbars there too, i already tried that so many times with WSP and Photoshop, i tooked those 2.0 scrollbar png images and then i replaced them in 3.0, but i can't get it work, though i opened all those png images in photoshop and then i resaved/replaced them, and then i copied 2.0 values to 3.0 too but i can't get it work....

Here's what i gave me after i tried 2.0 scrollbars in 3.0:


No matter how i try to replace those pngs there it won't work....i got it work somehow but then it leaved out those white stripes in scrollbars, when i tried another way then it added those black images in scrollbars....i really need your knowledge right now...