View Full Version : Sigs for the game beta i'm involved with.

December 17th, 2010, 10:55 AM
Whats the best place to go for awesome graphics? Here of course! :greedy:

I could use a little help with finding stuff to use for creating sigs for a space shooter game. as you can see i made one up already and plan to do a few more for the beta testers to use.. Finding good stuff to use is a total pain in the butt so I figured i would go to the best place for those who can create this sort of stuff.. I searched for a long time for good things but to be honest there isn't much in the way of space stuff to use. Asteroid fields are just about non existent when searching on the wed and the same for other good outer space stuff.

I also know how good you all are at creating great stuff so if anyone has any ideas, please don't hesitate to let me know! Our site is at http://www.minerwars.com/?aid=5025 if you want to check it out for inspiration.. or if you want to get involved with the testing and building of this game. All are welcome along with any ideas about the game and what would be cool to be in it.

December 17th, 2010, 11:15 PM
thanks everyone.. Merry Christmas. :crying: