View Full Version : Taskbar help

December 17th, 2010, 08:33 PM
I had someone tell me about this on my theme
They have taskbar set to Always combine, hide labels & turn off
DWM (Desktop Window Manager). The center of the taskbar
& icons looks weird. I have tried this with one of Dave's themes
& all looks good. Any ideas on what to do?
Thanks Jerry





Dave Senior
December 17th, 2010, 09:00 PM
For a quick test try remaking some simple images for those locations and load them into vsb and try, some times images get corrupted because vsb changes the alpha,this prolem is usualy only with themes made with a 64bit os , I think.
Merry xmas :)

Turning dwm service off makes the theme run in Basic mode, so try the taskbar image for basic.The combobox are the same for basic and aero.

December 18th, 2010, 12:03 AM
Thanks Dave I changed the size of the taskband basics & it fix it I do not know way someone would turn off DWM.
Have a Merry Christmas