View Full Version : Change Homegroup Background Color Help

December 27th, 2010, 03:44 AM

I have noticed with all the different themes that I've tried non of them have changed the background color of the Homegroup page.

I'm thinking it must be controlled in a .dll or a .cmd file? Does anyone know if this is correct, and if so, which file needs to be altered?

If this is not the case, does anyone know how to change the background color of the Homegroup page?

The picture below shows the page I'm talking about.

Any help with this is Much appreciated!

Best Regards & Happy New Year!!!


December 27th, 2010, 07:27 AM
I have no idea but I wouldn't worry about it because if don't use a homegroup you would not ever have to see that screen and if you do have a homegroup set up then you don't have that screen anyway.