View Full Version : Screen Resolution

January 3rd, 2011, 11:27 PM
Hey all, I had a question about screen resolution when using a custom theme.
I have a dual screen setup, main monitor is a 40in RCA TV displaying @ 720p via HDMI
and a second monitor 22in LG LCD Monitor @ 1680x1050 via DVI. Everything has looked
and worked great so far using the 7tsp theme patcher, using Concept Design theme.

I ran into a problem though yesterday when i tried a different resolution on the main
monitor, i put it to 1080p and the theme changed back to the old WIN98 square type
of look but still nice and black. So i tried to go back to 720p and it was still not the
same. I tried to restore, repatch, and so on but had no luck getting a custom theme
to work on that resolution. I read through the forum to see if it was mentioned but
could not find anything, I hope i didnt miss it. Any help with this would much appreciated.



BTW: I side with you guys on the issues with the Bull, i signed up a while back on CreativX
before i found this site and all was fine but now when i try to log back on(since your site is
better i have not been there in a while), I have to give an explanation on why i want to be a
member of the site and that has to be approved before I can go any further :fu: .......wow.

EDIT: forgot to say I'm Win 7 build 7600 x64