View Full Version : Merging PSD files

January 4th, 2011, 10:35 AM
Hey There,

Does any body know if i can merge 2 different .PSD files into 1? ..... is it possible?

I have loads of psd files cluttered up and would like to maybes have 1 psd file, cointaining all my others as groups.

Thanks in advance.

January 4th, 2011, 11:07 AM
You can open all files and drop and drag.

Select all the layers in the layer palette, and drag them onto the
other image to the other image. Save both of your images first to a safe

Hold the shift key down while you do this to center the layers. There are
also a number of layer alignment commands to line things up after the fact,
and you can use the move tool for any final adjustments.

Try that, see how you go.


January 4th, 2011, 12:05 PM
Thanks man, I'l give that a go. :cool: