View Full Version : Fix: Program exe has stopped working

January 5th, 2011, 12:56 AM
On your Windows operating system, if you ever receive and error message: Program exe or COM Surrogate has stopped working. A problem caused the program to stop working correctly. Windows will close the program and notify you if a solution is available, then here are a few troubleshooting steps, I’d like to suggest which may help resolve such errors.


There are few reasons that could causes such errors bad or corrupted program, UAC settings, Malware infection, DEP settings etc. Here are few solutions.

UAC Settings:

On Windows 7, you have User Account Control (UAC) settings that would prevent administration access for programs due to security reasons. Certain programs needs administrator access in order to run properly so to work around this issue you have to Right Click on the executable file and Run as administrator.


If you want always to run that Program as administrator then Right Click on the shortcut and go to Properties and Click on Compatibility Tab.


Then check on “Run this program as administrator” Then click on Apply / OK.

Sometime you also might need to enable the Compatibility Mode as certain programs might not be fully compatible with Windows 7.

Note: If the program is compatible with Windows 7 make sure you don’t enable Compatibility Mode if its enable uncheck it because it can crash the program as well.

Malware Infection:

If you’re getting the error for multiple programs then there are chances your Windows computer might have got infected. In such cases download a good 3rd party freeware like Malwarebytes or Emsisoft and install it.


Reboot the system in Safe Mode and run a complete scan. If the security program is unable to remove the malware infection, then you could always use our forum our Security Analyst would be glad to assist you in cleaning the infection.

DEP Setting:

DEP setting i.e. Data Execution Prevention setting might cause the programs to crash. To check those settings

1. Click on Start and Right Click on Computer and go to Properties

2. The click on Advance system settings.


3. There click on Advance Tab and click on Settings under Performance session.


4. Click on Data Execution Prevention.


5. Make sure you have selected “Turn on DEP for essential Windows programs and services only”

6. Then click Apply and click OK and reboot your system

If these steps do not resolve then try reinstalling the specific application that is causing the problem. If it’s happening to one of the Windows components then try to run SFC /SCANNOW.