View Full Version : How to Make a 3D Cube Icon (the easy way)

January 6th, 2011, 11:53 PM
40123This is the easiest and fastest way I've come up with to make 3d cube and ball icons.
The only program needed is Paint.Net found here http://www.getpaint.net/
You will also need the Shape 3D plugin from here: http://mkt.t-cat.biz/pdn/3.htm#3
To install the plugin cpoy the .dll to the"C:Programs Files\Paint.Net\Effects folder.
You will also need some .png icons to place on your cubes(or sphere).Remember when using
someone else's work that you need to respect the usage rights(license)they have established for it.

Step 1
After opening paint.net create a new canvas 600 x600.
To do this go to the "Image" in the top toolbar,
Select Resize uncheck "maintain aspect ratio",enter 600 in the Pixel width and height boxes
Now choose a backgound color and fill the canvas using the paintbucket tool.

Step 2
From the "Layers" tab, choose "import from file",choose the icon you want to use,
Stretch the icon into postion by dragging the little white boxes in the layer outline of the layer
Make sure its centered,When you get it where you want it hit the "Deselect button"
Now in the layers box hit the "merge layer dowm"button

Step 3
Now go to "Effects" tab,then down to "Render" choose "Shape3d",
In the the window that opens pick the "Box" tab.You will see a ton of adjustments,
We are only going to use a few:
Object Rotation,use the 3 dials to angle and rotate your cube

Scaling and Reset Position,use these to resize your cube
if rotating it causes it to go outside the canvas frame

Lighting,in the section there is 3 adjustment you can make easily make
Strenght of Light,Ambient Lighting and Diffuse Reflection Rate
There's others but I'm just keep things simple.Go ahead and play around until
your happy with the look of your cube then hit"ok"
Step 4
From the top toollbar hit "File" then "save as",name your new icon,
make sure it's in .png format and hit "Save"
To convert the new icon to a usable .png and to a .ico I use http://iconverticons.com/
It's a free online icon convertor,just upload your image and it does all the work,
then download the converted icon in the formats you want.

That's it,done! Enjoy :D
For a 3D ball the steps are the same excpt:
instead of Box use Sphere and instead of stretching the icon layer you need to shrink it down to about
300 in height and 150 in width.You'll have to play around a bit to get the right look.

January 7th, 2011, 01:09 AM
again sweet bud, thanks for taking the time to do this. :party2: :party2: :party2:

January 17th, 2011, 07:58 PM
Great tutorial thanks :happy: