View Full Version : Hi Everyone!

January 9th, 2011, 05:03 AM
I stumbled into here during a search for the Alienware alien glyph font and now you're stuck with me. This place is awesome! I love the work everyone here is doing. I'm not an artist my self (I can barely draw stick people) but I still like to customize my GUI.

By trade I am a DBA (SQL Server, DB2, MySQL, ESRI SDE / ArcGIS on various platforms) and developer (ASP / MVC, PHP, VB, C#, JavaScript, and a few other minor items). Formal education and initial carrer path was civil engineering but I discovered that was really boring, so off I went after something else. I ended up doing GIS development and database management for approx 15 years and now am just a DBA for Tripplite. (UPS systems, Power inverters, etc).

Like I said earlier, the work everyone here is posting and sharing is fantastic. I really enjoyed going through the Alienware items from Moonique. I'll be hanging out, reading forum posts and will contribute where I am comfortable

Keep up the great work everyone!

January 9th, 2011, 05:47 AM
Hi sbdragoo.

Welcome to Virtual customs, glad your enjoying your stay with us and look forward to seeing more of you in the future :smile: