View Full Version : Hello

January 13th, 2011, 04:08 PM
Hey everyone :smile:

My actual name is Jacob but must call me Jake for short and others know me as Dj Cryo because of game I use to play with a few friends back in the day.
I joined the site for main reason of I needed something to do in my spare time other than studying for classes. I always been interested in doing custom themes for Windows OS.
I did a few theming for a game when I use to play but that is done and over. I figured this is something new to try out so I said, "What the hell, this couldn't hurt at all."
Anyways, It's nice to meet you all and look forward to working with some of you on a project one day.

Big V
January 13th, 2011, 04:49 PM
Welcome and hope you enjoy your time here

January 14th, 2011, 03:26 PM
Welcome to VC Jake, good to have you here and I look forward to seeing what you can come up with :smile:

bgjerlow designs
January 17th, 2011, 03:57 PM
Hi Jake, welcome to VC. Enjoy your stay, we are glad to have you here