View Full Version : Windows 7 SP1 RTM Build 7601.17514.101119-1850 Out In The Wi

January 14th, 2011, 09:14 PM
The wait is finally over! As expected, Service Pack 1 RTM for Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 has been leaked to the Internet. Back in December, we reported that the build 7601.17514.101119-1850 is Service Pack 1 RTM for the latest version of Windows OS.

The build string reveals that it was compiled almost two months back. However, it is now confirmed that this is the final Windows 7 SP1 RTM build.

Also note that one need to uninstall the Service Pack 1 RC (Release Candidate) before installing the RTM.

January 16th, 2011, 04:01 AM
Finally done with my reformat and almost 100% back to where I was and all is good with themes working and all!

January 16th, 2011, 08:43 AM
I am tempted to give this a go but still not 100% sure about it, you never know with MS if they might make some last minute changes before the public release so I might just hold off until they release it as a Windows update.

January 16th, 2011, 12:31 PM
Installed SP1 alkl seems fine so far. just need to re-apply some patches to get all theme stuff to work again.

Big V
January 16th, 2011, 02:26 PM
I think I'm going to wait a awhile also and let the hackers test drive it for a bit and find all the crap MS has done in it behind everyone's back and what kinda spyware and anti-piracy software they have slipped in the backdoor of it. Like the windows kb971033 update that's unchecked when you first update a new system that was nothing more than MS wanting to look over your shoulder and spy on you no thanks. BEWARE also there is a new one out kb976902 that is unchecked and when i have searched for info on that kb number the details of what it contains are very sketchy and limit

January 16th, 2011, 08:11 PM
I am with you Big V....going to wait a little while longer before i go jumping into installing this SP. Microsoft Corp is some sneaky snakes, so hard telling what is all wrapped up in this SP that there not telling us.

bgjerlow designs
January 16th, 2011, 08:16 PM
I'm gonna wait for it until it get's out via Windows Update ;)

January 16th, 2011, 08:29 PM
I'm gonna wait for it until it get's out via Windows Update ;)
Yeah i'm with sg ;) going to wait :cheeky:

January 16th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I have to agree with most on this one that I will wait lol

As I am never one to install new ms software right away in the first place to make sure bugs are worked out before I test it :)

This sp1 offers no new featues anyways its just a roll up of all the updates that we have on our machines at this point so I see no rush to use it plus it would most likly replace all my custom os mods I have done and I aint in the mood to redo all those right now since I am in the middle of a theme lol

January 17th, 2011, 06:31 AM
You guys are chicken shits! lmfao jk I understand you all want to wait until it hits windows update, but just to let you guys know that there is 60 plus updates that are already after sp1. These updates haven't been released but zuko said he has them and might release them soon. Sorry I just like getting things like a sp out of the way so I can worry about other crap! :laughing:

January 17th, 2011, 10:28 AM
i wait definitly!
it is done,when it's done!
i know people install updates before they are official,but i will wait,it's okay for me. :cheeky:

January 18th, 2011, 07:58 AM
Installed without problems here. :smile:

January 23rd, 2011, 02:41 AM
Installed without issue and no bugs to report.

Downside is that patching the system to use themes and the like is now hit and miss.

Wmp can no longer be patched do to it being updated.

The start button isn't changed any longer by any theme selected but can be changed by itself with the start button program.

Beyond this themes aren't much affected.

January 23rd, 2011, 03:12 AM
Installed without issue or any apparent bugs.

Patching so as to install themes is only sort of halve working.

Two out of three files do seem to patch fine but the third doesn't do to it having been upgraded.

Which means your start button tends not to change with the themes.

It can be changed with a start button program.

Wmp can no longer be manual changed do to it being upgraded along with other things.

Now the good news.
The 7tsp program doesn't much seem to care if things have been upgraded and works perfectly and even changes Wmp if the them has a skin for it.

After its run the first time you can change the themes as you once did before.

Figured i would mess about since iam shortly hardware upgrading and it couldn't do any damage.