View Full Version : Problem installing Blade

January 19th, 2011, 05:40 AM
Hi all,

well i dont have much time so i will go straight to the point!
On my pc i installed the theme Blade clash of the titans (http://virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/32021-Blade )
and i loved it, so installed it on my laptop too(after i freshly installed windows on it).

The problem is that the pics dont work, just the collor style and sound and cursors. So i was looking in the command promp thingy and it said that it had no acces cause the file was allready opened. Well the windows folder has full acces by me now. But then i noticed an error message of the register. Giving 3 error messaged of Error: System cannot find the registerkey or registervalue. And i saw Shell pics being copied, that was a succes. But then it had 0% pasted. I have a screenshot, though its in dutch.
-The 'Fout: Het systeem kan de opgegeven registersleutel of -waarde niet vinden.' means the system cant fight the register key or value.
-'Het proces heeft geen toegang tot het bestand omdat het door een ander proces word gebruikt' means the proces has no acces to the file because its being used by a differend proces.
-'Bestanden gekopieerd' means files copied
-'Bewerking voltooid' means Task completed

Screen: http://img195.imageshack.us/img195/7979/naamlooscu.png

I realy hope someone can help me, im out of solutions.



GREAT work with all those themes, realy love em all!

January 19th, 2011, 01:41 PM
I didnt patch anything :O

And im also useing windows 7 ultimate

January 19th, 2011, 03:00 PM
Its fixed!

I installed that 7szp thingy, then installed the pack, rebooted and it worked! :D Love this theme <3

Thanks Devils, if u didnt say what u said i wouldnt never come up with it ^^

Cya along people, im goign to do a education on school what involves photoshop so i might return :D And someday bring ya'al my own Theme ^^