View Full Version : Drop down Menu Background Colors

February 7th, 2011, 03:53 AM
I am having a hard time finding the location for the hover / background color for drop down menus in WSB.
The color is supposed to be the "blue" but whenever I mouse over certain drop down menus the color goes to white and does not revert back to blue, see attached screen .
Actually it is not even supposed to turn white , it is supposed to stay blue with a transparent button as you mouse over it.

Any help would be appreciated , Thanks .


February 7th, 2011, 10:07 PM
I am having a hard time finding the location for the hover / background color for drop down menus in WSB.
The color is supposed to be the "blue" but whenever I mouse over certain drop down menus the color goes to white and does not revert back to blue, see attached screen .
Actually it is not even supposed to turn white , it is supposed to stay blue with a transparent button as you mouse over it.

Any help would be appreciated , Thanks .

I remember I had this problem once myself a long time ago but cant remember what the cause was, if you send me the msstyles I will have a look for you and see if I can figure it out.

February 7th, 2011, 10:22 PM
Found it .........

Lists,Menus&Tabs>Menu>PopupItem>Normal,Hot,Disabled,Disabled Hot

It was driving me nuts :anger: