View Full Version : Problem with taskbar's notification area.

February 9th, 2011, 11:38 PM
I'm just about finished designing my first theme and I need help on on a problem I am having. When I change the taskbar from one position to another(from top, left, right, bottom to top, left, right, bottom) on the deaktop and click on the notification tray arrow to view the icons the tray gets wider. What is doing this and how do I fix it. I'm using WSB 1.5 to build the theme.
Picture of what I mean:

February 10th, 2011, 04:21 AM
lol I aint seen that before, try use your theme normally like install it in resources\themes then try it, I have had a few weird issues when changing taskbar positions when testing a theme through wsb too

I already did. I also tried it on my VMWare systems and it does the same thing. This theme is the only one that I'm making that is doing it too. Odd. I should try resizing the margins or importing the standard images and re-edit them again or something. That bug only happens if you change TB positions and resets if you switch themes and them back.