View Full Version : Nav Buttons, Start Orb and other areas

February 19th, 2011, 07:09 PM
I need a little help. I'm still new at making themes and I have gone through the forums here and several other sites but can't find an answer. I even asked a few advanced theme designers on Deviantart. If someone can tell me how or point me to a tutorial that was be greatly appreciated. Well I noticed that some themes have a different start orb(1) than is installed, how do I make it where my theme that I'm making will load another start orb or another image altogether instead of what's installed. Another spot I wanted to find out is the navigations buttons, how can I get another set of navigations buttons(2) to load instead of what are installed on the computer. The last that I wanted to know what was the Control panel pane(3)(and the other spot that are associated with it) to load instead of what are install on the computer.


Thanks for looking at my post and helping if you can.

February 19th, 2011, 08:13 PM
this is setup by placing the png images of the start orb, explorerframe , etc etc inside of the theme folder. you would name your folders explorer.exe, explorerframe.dll etc etc and put you images inside of those folders. but for that to change automatically the user must have theme resource changer installed. here is an example of dark vision by devilsbrand


February 19th, 2011, 09:37 PM
PCGOD Before you install the themes do not forget to set the Theme resource changer http://www.virtualcustoms.net/showthread.php/30902-Theme-Resource-Changer-no-more-dll-editing.. :smile:

February 20th, 2011, 02:50 AM
Thanks guys for your help. this was very helpful. So, when I do that the themes will use those images when installed on others computer? Thanks. Or do they need to install it as well?

February 20th, 2011, 04:21 AM
These 3 folders explorer.exe Shell32.dll explorerframe.dll with a set of resources can be taken with any other topic and copy to your topic, the resources folder must be PNG format, and perform these actions Theme Resource Changer Instructions

Theme Resource changer eliminates having to edit dll or exe files to replace the images in your explorer.exe, explorerframe.dll
and your shell32.dll.

1. To use the Theme resource changer just run the Theme Resource Changer.exe x86 or x64 depending on what operating system you
are using.

2. After installation it will automatically restart explorer and you are set you only have to apply this just the one time
and it will work for any theme that you setup to use it with.

3. To set your themes to use the Theme Resource Changer all that is needed is to make 3 folders inside your theme folder, with these names


These folders go inside your theme folder you have in windows\resources\themes\your theme name here

4. Inside each folder you add the picture resources you would like to use for each numbered the same as they are in the explorer.exe, explorerframe.dll and Shell32.dll. These resources must be in png format not bitmap. So example explorer.exe for the start orb and user picture frame, the numbers for these in the explorer.exe are 6801, 6805, 6809, 7013. Add those picture resources to the explorer.exe folder and place it inside your theme folder.

5. Then just select your theme in the personalization menu and now your start orb will be changed, your explorerframe buttons and other images in the explorer frame, along with the navigation panel in system properties will now all be changed to the images you have placed in those 3 folders in your theme folder. This applies to any theme all you have to do is apply the theme normally and reboot or restart explorer and your images will be automatically replaced. No more editing dll's to replace your images. This will even work for the icons in the shell32.dll.

6. This applies to even the aero theme that is the default on windows 7.