View Full Version : Help Changing Image For a Theme

February 20th, 2011, 05:27 PM

I could use some help me out by modifying an image from Mr. Grims Concept Theme - Red. I have attached the img that I think needs to be modified. In my screen shot below, I would like to remove what is in the green box (Light gray transparent area) , and extend what is in the yellow box (Darker gray transparent Area). I think this is done using alpha channels possible, my skill level is not there yet.


Also thanks to Mr. Grim and everyone else who make all these cool themes.


February 20th, 2011, 10:06 PM
That image in wsb is your places list image and places list extended image.

I am not sure what you mean for this can be done with alpha channels, alpha channels are used for transparent bitmaps where the images in themes and wsb ( windows style builder ) are png's so you don't need the alpha channel png's you can use transparency without having to do alpha channels :)

February 20th, 2011, 11:51 PM
I'm sorry think I may have been confused about the alpha channel thing..... What needs to be done to change this? is this a quick fix in either paint shop or photoshop? The image I attached seems to have a transparent strip going down (that I put in green).


February 21st, 2011, 12:17 AM
ya u can edit that image in any image editing software u like to use paint shop, photoshop, gimp whatever your prefered program is what mr grim has done on the end there is a glass effect, it gives the image a 3d type of look.

February 21st, 2011, 12:30 AM
I'm using Paint shop Pro, when I select a section of what I want (The section in yellow above) It becomes darker when I paste in it.... Normally this would work out fine... but the Transparent layers have been throwing me off. I'm going to keep trying, do you think you might be able to make it match? and any more tips.

Thanks for your help.

February 21st, 2011, 11:19 AM
Thanks for your advise, I kind of cheated. I just deleted out the transparent section, since I'm really not using the transparancy anyway. and pasted in another section to match what I was looking for.