View Full Version : Taskbar Transparency

March 14th, 2011, 05:53 AM
Hi guys,

I stumbled upon the "Complete Guide to Theme Building" thread, but I couldn't figure out how to change some things. I'm trying to make my taskbar COMPLETELY transparent, but I would like for the opened/minimized windows to still be opaque. I've tried changing some things in VSB as shown in the theme building thread, but nothings working so far. Maybe if you guys could direct me on what to change or replace then that would help me greatly. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

March 14th, 2011, 07:02 AM
OK, so I figured out how to change the taskbar, but now my windows are white. Shown below you can see that the left icon background is a little gray, but once I changed the taskbar image to a blank image it changed to white.

Lastly, does anybody know how to make the taskbar completely transparent with no blur whatsoever. I'm trying to find something similar to "HideBlur" app, but for the taskbar if you guys get what I'm saying. Seems like removing the blur from the taskbar is impossible.

March 15th, 2011, 01:08 AM
OK, so I figured out how to change the taskbar, but now my windows are white. Shown below you can see that the left icon background is a little gray, but once I changed the taskbar image to a blank image it changed to white.

Lastly, does anybody know how to make the taskbar completely transparent with no blur whatsoever. I'm trying to find something similar to "HideBlur" app, but for the taskbar if you guys get what I'm saying. Seems like removing the blur from the taskbar is impossible.

As far as as I know there is no way to remove the blur on the taskbar, I would love it if there was though.

March 15th, 2011, 06:45 AM
Totally. I'm thinking the only way possible would be to manipulate a small portion of the wallpaper as the taskbar, but that would be cheating. :icon_cheesygrin: