View Full Version : Mozilla’s new demo website for Firefox 4 : Web-O-Wonder

March 15th, 2011, 07:04 AM
Mozilla has launched a new website for demo’ing the capabilities of its new offering Fireox 4. Web-O-Wonder or actually Web-Open-Wonder with the characters ‘pen’ written in small size, which you may almost miss, lets you experience HTML5, Design, Video, WebGL on latest version of Firefox browser.


web o wonder 400x243 Mozillas new demo website for Firefox 4 : Web O Wonder

Firefox 4 is here, and comes with a huge list of new features for web developers. In order to illustrate all these new technical features, Mozilla has put together several Web demos at this website.

This website is somewhat similar to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer Test Drive and Google’s Chrome Experiments websites.

Do note that you may be advised to update your video drivers to the latest versions!

Visit: Web-O-Wonder website : https://demos.mozilla.org/en-US/