View Full Version : Clash of the Titans III : Total Annihilation Vote Showdown

March 18th, 2011, 03:39 PM
[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=0:2fo0x3kp]Clash of the titans 3.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp]

Come one come all for the ultimate showdown...

There are 9 Battle hardened Warriors left standing

All competing to be the best


[center:2fo0x3kp]IN THE END THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.......[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]I would like to thank each and everyone of all the themers who accepted the invite into this great contest

You have all done such awesome themes and put in so much hard work this is going to be one epic battle to the end.

A big thanks goes out to all the members who have commented and followed along during this contest

we can't thank you enough for making it so much fun for all of us :happy:

So Let's get down to business shall we, there are 9 amazing themes to choose from

each person is able to pick up to 3 themes they like best you must pick your 1-3 themes

at the same time when you cast your vote as you are only able to vote once :cunning:[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]So here we go the entries fighting for title of the best are...[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Executioner RobyRoby with his entry of [/center:2fo0x3kp]



[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of RobyRoby's Invasion can be found here : viewtopic.php?f=204&p=34706#p34706 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=204&p=34706#p34706)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Bone Crusher Skull1959 with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]


[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=13:2fo0x3kp]infectious Theme .png[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of Skull1959's Infectious theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8223&p=34865#p34865 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=8223&p=34865#p34865)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Butcher bbosa with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]


[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=12:2fo0x3kp]Xenomorph BY BBOSA.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of bbosa's Xenomorph theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=184&t=8240&p=34919#p34919 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=184&t=8240&p=34919#p34919)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The MachineGun Mobster Timmymofo with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]



[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of Timmymofo's Studio theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=203&t=8172 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=203&t=8172)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Demolition Man Lefty with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]



[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of Lefty's Fusion theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=78&t=8189 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=8189)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Dark Warrior DevilsBrand with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]


[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=7:2fo0x3kp]Preview -Industrial-.png[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of DevilsBrand's Industrial theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=136&t=8248&p=34972#p34972 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=136&t=8248&p=34972#p34972)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]No Mercy NOFX with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]Star Wars The Force[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=6:2fo0x3kp]The Force Preview Screen.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of NOFX's Star Wars The Force theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=84&t=8221 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=84&t=8221)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Predator Razorsedge with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]Event Horizon[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=5:2fo0x3kp]Event Horizon 1a.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]
[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=4:2fo0x3kp]event horizon 2.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]
[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=3:2fo0x3kp]event horizon 4b.jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of Razorsedge's Event Horizon theme can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=114&p=34773#p34773 (http://virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=114&p=34773#p34773)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]And the 2 time champion..[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]The Bringer of Death Mr.Grim with his entry of[/center:2fo0x3kp]


[center:2fo0x3kp][attachment=1:2fo0x3kp]Zero-G Preview (2).jpg[/attachment:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp]More info and download of Mr.Grim's Zero-G theme can be found here: http://www.virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic ... 806#p34806 (http://www.virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?p=34806#p34806)[/center:2fo0x3kp]

[center:2fo0x3kp][info2:2fo0x3kp]Voting will end on this Tuesday the 22nd and then a winner will be announced, Good Luck Everyone and please remember to use all your votes and don't just pick one theme. :anger:[/info2:2fo0x3kp][/center:2fo0x3kp]

March 18th, 2011, 04:47 PM
I am Finally first :cheeky:
windows themes of a new generation and new developers Battle :smile:
I must add my voice for all windows themes all are just great,amazing and totall impossible for me
I have now little time,but still here tomorrow I will add your comment
why you created this thread razorsedge ,again another reason why I will not sleep :-D
very nice works,all :f: :flirt: :f:

March 18th, 2011, 05:22 PM
so guys here you can load my work!

viewtopic.php?f=78&t=8189&p=34689#p34689 (http://www.virtualcustoms.net/viewtopic.php?f=78&t=8189&p=34689#p34689)

March 18th, 2011, 05:26 PM
Wow....you guys are the true creator of window 7 theme...Great job by everyone..BUT THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
why there not a download links for some of the themes...

bgjerlow designs
March 18th, 2011, 05:34 PM
Wow....you guys are the true creator of window 7 theme...Great job by everyone..BUT THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
why there not a download links for some of the themes...
Not all themes are available yet (haven't been posted by the authors) so that's why ;)

March 18th, 2011, 05:36 PM
Wow....you guys are the true creator of window 7 theme...Great job by everyone..BUT THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.
why there not a download links for some of the themes...

The themes with no download links at the moment are ones where the creator has not posted thier theme for download yet the post here will be upodated as they post thier themes for download :)

Your are also very welcome Moonnique :)

We are happy to see you like the post that much and the themes should only keep u up for a few days lol

March 18th, 2011, 06:13 PM
My friends, you did a beautiful themes! Thanks. :happy:

March 18th, 2011, 06:30 PM
:flirt: great race, lots of awesome theme, very difficult the choose,
Thank you everyone for a lot of work, the many nice and nice theme,
very awesome work all, thank you :cool: :f: :party2:

:bunny: :bunny: :bunny:

March 18th, 2011, 06:38 PM
event horizon is the best theme I've seen...and I'm very picky :P
Great Work Razorsedge :beaut: :givahand:

Big V
March 18th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Wonderful job everyone did an excellent job can't wait to try all these themes out. :party2: Myself i'm going to wait a day or so till the themes are all post and i can give them a test drive before i vote. But from the early votes it looks like a very close race with Mr Grim struggling to keep his title. Will he be defeated this time? :idk: Only time will tell weather he survives or goes down http://img847.imageshack.us/img847/9936/screenshotlk.png

March 18th, 2011, 07:16 PM
All themes are each great in his own way.
You have all worked so hard.
And I wish you all good luck for the race.
When it comes to me there are no losers in such a hard and, above all
beautiful work you make here.

March 18th, 2011, 07:32 PM
Hey guys, You are all Masters ,and they are all Awesome, which makes it hard to choose, Thanks for sharing these great Themes and may the best man win.

March 18th, 2011, 07:44 PM
damn all you guys are excellen theme maker i love it all but one has to be on top thanks all good luck.

March 18th, 2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the amazing work master theme makers, and making this one of the best creative themes i have ever seen, it blows your mind mesmerizing .

March 18th, 2011, 08:49 PM
Everyone did a fantastic job. I am with Big V on this one....i am also going to wait until all the themes are posted so i can install each one of them before i cast my votes. Competition is wide open and its going to be interesting to see who comes out on top!!

March 18th, 2011, 10:03 PM
Good look to all, and great work,

Nofx's the Force has one of mine, going to check the rest out before deciding on my other votes :smile:

March 19th, 2011, 01:29 AM
Great work here, Mant thanks to all makers :happy:

March 19th, 2011, 03:09 AM
:happy: Regards companions before that quite you to give my respects to all for the fantastic work of each one of the gentlemen
RobyRoby,lefty,nofx1994,mr. grim,Razorsedge,DevilsBrand,bbosa,Skull1959,Timmymofo
what concerns to my all are winning because the impressive work that they realize anyone it does not make my respects alone the teachers friends and especially thank you for giving us the opportunity to have these fantastic big topics works of each one of you thousand graces friends and I wish the best of the luck all and as I comment to them for my on all they are winning I believe that there are no mas words to describe the beauty of these works that are a few works of art luck and graces regards companions :happy: :party2: :-D

March 19th, 2011, 06:58 AM
Awesome themes!

March 19th, 2011, 07:12 AM
great work gentlemen! i can only hope to be half as skilled as you guys are at creating these fantastic themes..

all of these are amazing, the 3 i chose are Timmy's Studio theme, Mr. Grim's Zero-G, and Razorsedge's Event Horizon (which i am currently wearing and im trying to do things but get distracted by all the aspects of this theme) although i am having a hard time trying to decide which to rock for the long term :)

man im in love with this color scheme you got goin on here razor, razor for president imo!

March 19th, 2011, 03:17 PM
Fantastic work everyone,the amount of time that has gone into these themes astonishes me.

you guys truly have great skills in what you do,i will say to Lefty is you came very very close in to what i would of liked my desktop to look like :sorry:

once again guys/girls great work.

March 19th, 2011, 07:02 PM
I want to first tell all thank you very much, all very beautiful and very professional !!! :party2: It's a pity that cant vote for all ! Just cool that you do for us!!! :-D

March 20th, 2011, 04:53 AM
well my votes are in. I wish i could have voted for everyone, but we know thats not possible. after installation of all themes, my 3 personal favorites are Event Horizon by Razorsedge, XenoMorph by Bbosa, and Infectious by Skull1959.

:gun: :gun: :gun:

March 20th, 2011, 06:02 PM
Well this was a fantastic round of competition and I want to thank the newer guys timmy, roby and skulls1959 for entering the comp this go around you guys did a fantastic job on your themes keep it up. Now for the older builders I saw some very cool stuff this round and alot of new techniques being used on quite a few themes. It is great to see how far that we have pushed the limits on visual styles for windows seven. We have the most original group of builders here and not a single site cant touch our styles and originality anywhere on the net and I am really proud to be a member to such a great site. :party2: :party2: :party2:

March 21st, 2011, 01:41 AM
I'm truly amazed....everyone has done an outstanding job and you ALL should be proud.....

How do I pick a winner??? :sigh:

Impossible!! :crying:

But, as they say...."There can only be One"

This decision....I'll have to sleep on. :worried:

March 24th, 2011, 01:08 PM
well i am :shocked: by the lack of votes for nofx1994 vs granted it's based on show for dorks! :what: :o relax dorks that's just imo don't get all offended if you like that show lmao but still the quality is above most and i was able to get over it being a star wars vs 5 minutes after i installed it so if you ain't voted yet install nofx1994 vs before you vote don't just look at screen shots or pick because of what the vs concept is or because you are buddy with one of the builders :( Anyway,moving along....I just like to personally say all you guys did great works and i am proud to be a member of virtual customs and proud of all of you and you should be proud of yourself and no matter who wins you all are winners as far as i am concerned ;)P.S.I really had a hard time voting for only three but i did and those were nofx1994 razoredge and devilbrand i really liked bbosa and mr.grim just as much but since i could only vote for 3 you know! :sigh: :laughing: