View Full Version : rightclick drop down menu

March 19th, 2011, 02:32 AM
what are the differencies between composited:bool and transparency:bool. Have they contraeffects, if you tick or untick them.
my problem is that i cannot see anything in the layer, when i right click the drop down menu, only the border i can see.
the same happens in the main explorer or other explorer windows, if i want to see the tooltip by moving mouse over.
thanks for help

March 21st, 2011, 10:56 PM
O.K. i resolved the problem with the right click dropdown menu, how you can see in the first image. In Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Tooltip > Standard i just unticked the
also i unticked the tarnsparent:bool in Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Tooltip > Ballon to see the tooltips in the main explorer window.

What i didnt find out is, how you can see in the second image, to realize it making the tooltip layer readable under the google search dropdown menu. the same happens if you mouse over the opened bookmarks menu over an url adress.
is any advice here in the forum
anyway its not really clear, when do you have to check the transparent:bool and when not.
thanks for help



April 2nd, 2011, 01:33 PM
Perhaps is a firefox problem, because in internet explorer all tooltips are visible.
i will follow this this furthermore.

April 23rd, 2011, 01:43 AM
i resolved this problem now.
i updated the tooltip standard image in the explorer tab of wsb
it was too much transparent, i changed this and ticked the tranparent:bool on again, also the tarnsparent:bool in Explorer & Shell > Explorer > Tooltip > Ballon.
Now all toltips are visible, the only thing is, that the ballon is no more black but blue :icon_mrgreen: