View Full Version : How to Make Mozilla Firefox 4.0 Look-Like Firefox 3.0

April 10th, 2011, 06:08 PM
We all know that Mozilla has completely redesigned interface of Firefox 4.0. They have removed Statusbar, put tabs on top, made the Menubar hidden and made many other UI changes.

If you are new to Mozilla Firefox 4.0 and not getting used to the new UI, this topic will help you.

The default UI of Firefox 4.0 looks as following:


And after following this topic, the end result would be:


s you can there are many differences in both screenshots and in 2nd screenshot, Firefox 4.0 looks very much similar to Firefox 3.0.

So without wasting time, here are some simple steps to make Mozilla Firefox 4.0 look-like to Firefox 3.0:

Disable New Orange Button and Enable Menubar

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 comes with a new orange "Firefox" button in Titlebar which has replaced the good old Menu Bar.

Although it looks good but some users might find it difficult to use and annoying as it doesn't provide all menubar shortcuts and also hides the Titlebar text. So you can't see website titles in this way.

Following tutorial tells you how to get the good old Menu Bar back in Firefox 4.0 which will also disable the new orange "Firefox" button:

How to Disable New Orange “Firefox” Button in Titlebar and Get Menu Bar Back in Mozilla Firefox 4.0

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 comes with a new orange "Firefox" button in Titlebar which has replaced the good old Menu Bar.

Although it looks good but some users might find it difficult to use and annoying as it doesn't provide all menubar shortcuts and also hides the Titlebar text. So you can't see website titles in this way.

In this tutorial, we'll tell you how to get the good old Menu Bar back in Firefox 4.0 which will also disable the new orange "Firefox" button:

1. Open Mozilla Firefox, right-click on Toolbar and enable "Menu Bar" option.

2. That's it. As soon as you enable the option, it'll put the Menu Bar back in the window and will also disable the new orange "Firefox" button.

Put Tabs Back on Bottom

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 comes with Tabs on Top by default which might become quite difficult and annoying for existing Firefox users which are used to bottom tabs.

Following tutorial tells you how to put Tabs back on bottom as you used to get in older versions:

How to Put Tabs Back on Bottom in Mozilla Firefox 4.0

Mozilla Firefox 4.0 comes with Tabs on Top by default which might become quite difficult and annoying for existing Firefox users which are used to bottom tabs.

In this tutorial, we'll tell you how to put Tabs back on bottom as you used to get in older versions.

1. Open Mozilla Firefox, right-click on Toolbar and deselect "Tabs on Top" option.

2. That's it. As soon as you uncheck the option, it'll put the Tab bar on bottom.

It also enables Aero glass in Toolbar which looks good.

Get Statusbar Back

Mozilla has replaced Statusbar with new Add-on Bar which shows nothing except icons for installed add-ons.

If you also miss the progress meter and status text which used to shown in Status bar, take a look at following topic:

How to Get Good Old “Statusbar” with Text and Progress Meter Back in Mozilla Firefox 4.0

If you also miss the progress meter and status text which used to shown in Status bar, here is an excellent add-on for you.

"Status-4-Evar" is a great extension for Mozilla Firefox 4.0 created by "Sparky Bluefang". Actually this extension is a collection of toolbar widgets that provides replacement for what was previously shown in the statusbar.

After installing the extension, you can customize your toolbars and drag the "Status Text", "Progress Meter", and "Download Status" items wherever you want. Behavior of the items can be controlled in the extension preferences.

Simply install the extension, enable "Add-on Bar". Right-click on Add-on Bar and select Customize. Now click on Restore Default Set button and you'll get Status text, Progress meter and Download status back in Firefox 4.0.

You can also customize Statusbar appearance by changing the add-on preferences.


Get Back / Forward Dropmarker Back

Mozilla has removed the dropmarker from the back/forward button set. To show the recent pages drop-down list, you can either right-click on back or forward buttons or left-click and hold on back or forward buttons.

But you can get the dropmarker back using "Back/Forward Dropmarker" add-on.


April 11th, 2011, 11:13 AM
Nice, I knew about the first few options but the statusbar was a cool find

bgjerlow designs
April 11th, 2011, 08:51 PM
Pretty cool post. I can't see why anyone would get rid of the much better looking 4.0 interface though