View Full Version : Stylebuilder OS Requirement?

April 20th, 2011, 06:25 AM
Hey everyone!

I've messed around some with making custom themes for Aston and XP and am thinking about starting to work on Windows 7 themes.

I searched and it looks like Ave's Stylebuilder is the only software aide for making 7 themes, but I have a question. Upon checking over their site I noticed it says that the software only runs on Vista, is this true? I'm hoping they just haven't corrected it yet, I can't believe they wouldn't have made the software 7 compatible yet, especially since Vista was such a disaster. Also, does it happen to run on XP as well? My graphics software is fairly old and I don't have funding at the moment to pay for upgrade, so would like to make the themes on my XP partition if possible. If not, will make due.

While I'm at it, as I said, I have been messing around recently with making themes for XP using original Stylebuilder from TGTSoft, which has vanished. Since I only recently switched from making themes for Aston to making themes for XP, I didn't come across StyleBuilder until recently and therefor don't have a key for it. This results in me having to reformat every month so I can reinstall the trial software, which is a pain in the you know what. Wondering if anyone knows if they released a public key for people to use before they shutdown? Was thinking I saw one posted somewhere when I first found the software but I have searched and can't find it again if available. Would like to keep messing around with XP themes as well, but reformatting is getting frustrating, not to mention, time consuming. lol!!!

Anyway, thanks in advance for replies!

bgjerlow designs
April 20th, 2011, 10:52 AM
Look here: http://vistastylebuilder.com/windows7.html

The last 2 versions i think it is (1.4 and 1.5 the current version) has supported Windows 7
You have to use WSB on Windows 7, otherwise i highly doubt it will run on XP as some of the functions, the test function for example, would not work since you aren't on Windows 7. Also, in most cases, Windows 7 is as quick if not quicker, at least in my experience, than XP regarding photoshop working etc.

I hope this answers your questions, but let me know if you need any further assistance ;)

April 20th, 2011, 04:18 PM
Thanks for reply sergio!

I had a feeling it ran on Windows 7 and they just haven't updated their page. Can see what I mean under requirements here:

Yeah, I figured those test functions and the like wouldn't work if running it on XP, but I never used the test function while using the old stylebuilder by TGTSoft so wasn't too concerned about that.

I agree Windows 7 is faster and better. I was wanting to know if would run on XP because my graphics software is old so I am worried about compatibility issues with 7. Would hate to be working on images in 7 and all of sudden my software crashes and lose all my progress. I usually try to save often, but still.

Since you didn't mention anything about it, I guess you don't know if there is a public key for TGTSoft's old Stylebuilder or not correct?


bgjerlow designs
April 20th, 2011, 05:16 PM
Thanks for reply sergio!

I had a feeling it ran on Windows 7 and they just haven't updated their page. Can see what I mean under requirements here:

Yeah, I figured those test functions and the like wouldn't work if running it on XP, but I never used the test function while using the old stylebuilder by TGTSoft so wasn't too concerned about that.

I agree Windows 7 is faster and better. I was wanting to know if would run on XP because my graphics software is old so I am worried about compatibility issues with 7. Would hate to be working on images in 7 and all of sudden my software crashes and lose all my progress. I usually try to save often, but still.

Since you didn't mention anything about it, I guess you don't know if there is a public key for TGTSoft's old Stylebuilder or not correct?

As a matter of fact, I've never even heard of that piece of software, so sorry can't help you there :(

BTW, what image editing software do you use?

April 20th, 2011, 05:42 PM
Really, guessing you never did much themeing for XP then, unless you used Stardock's Skin Studio instead. I was under the impression that WSB was a modified version of the original TGTSoft Stylebuilder just taken over by someone else, guess not.

As for the software I use, I must admit I use Gimp mostly now-a-days. I have CS3 as well, but it is so outdated that I use Gimp mostly since I don't have extra cash to upgrade to latest CS version and at least most Adobe plugins, brushes, etc. work with Gimp. Besides, as I said, I mainly just mess around with making themes as a hobby, so can't really justify spending the money to get latest CS.

Can check out some of my work here if interested. Not anywhere near as good as what you, Grim and the rest of you here produce, but hopefully I'll get better over time. LOL!!

Thanks again for help!

bgjerlow designs
April 20th, 2011, 06:03 PM
Really, guessing you never did much themeing for XP then, unless you used Stardock's Skin Studio instead. I was under the impression that WSB was a modified version of the original TGTSoft Stylebuilder just taken over by someone else, guess not.

As for the software I use, I must admit I use Gimp mostly now-a-days. I have CS3 as well, but it is so outdated that I use Gimp mostly since I don't have extra cash to upgrade to latest CS version and at least most Adobe plugins, brushes, etc. work with Gimp. Besides, as I said, I mainly just mess around with making themes as a hobby, so can't really justify spending the money to get latest CS.

Can check out some of my work here if interested. Not anywhere near as good as what you, Grim and the rest of you here produce, but hopefully I'll get better over time. LOL!!

Thanks again for help!
Nope i never did any skinning/themeing before Windows 7 actually. Regarding your software, both GIMP and Photoshop CS3 should be able to run without any problems on Windows 7, if not out of the box, at least with XP/Vista compatibility enabled (for ps cs3 i mean, latest version of gimp should run smoothly under windows 7) ;)