View Full Version : Hi everyone

May 3rd, 2011, 08:53 PM
Many of you may know me from DeviantArt....I have the same username there. I am also a member of CreativX. Please don't send me any hate-comments!; I joined CTX many moons ago, have no problem with Pierre (The Bull), and nothing to do with the old "bad blood" between this site and his. I admire all of you guys' and gals' work here, consider you all some of the most talented people on Earth, and would just like to have fun here and share my stuff.
I'm not good at theming....(not YET!).....but want to learn all I can. If you go to my DA profile http://yournumbr1fan.deviantart.com/ , you can see that my main forte thus far has been creating Logon Screens for Win7. This has kinda been my niche for some time, but I want to learn to do more, you know.
I've heard, from some very good themers, that Mr. Grim is the best themer on the planet.......And I have to say, I certainly can see why they say that! But I know that there are MANY here, and at DA and CTX, who are damned good too.
Please add me as a friend, pm me any time, contact me on MSN.....
*******************************************************************************************************************YN1F :) **************************Jimmy*************************************************************************************************************

Welcome to VC, thanks for being our Number 1 Fan lol, look forward to seeing more from you, any help you need just ask and I am sure you will find people happy to help :smile: