View Full Version : Hello Everyone

May 8th, 2011, 07:30 PM
Hello Everyone :D I've been a new member for a a couple weeks now and have been reading tutorials and downloading tools and am about to take the plunge and try installing a theme but right now I'm hung up on which one to install. Maybe this is because every theme I've looked at here is absolutely incredible and the skill and talents of the creators are definitely outta this world :icon_eek: I was a little hesitant at first to wanna fiddle under the hood, so to speak, but after reading the tutorials and (hopefully) downloaded all the right tools, I may finally be ready to try a new theme on comp. Hopefully one day I'll get the time to learn how to create my own to share with everybody here but I gotta admit I wasn't the most creative in my arts classes in school and used to be a sound engineer at a live music club, so that kinda tells ya I'm one of those people that appreciates the work of others and prefer to be essential but stay outta the spotlight. Anyways, just a quick Hello and self-introduction, Thanks for having me as a member. :D

May 8th, 2011, 07:42 PM
welcome to VC SoundGuy, we are glad to have you here. as far as which theme to install is just a matter of trying out various ones to see which one YOU personally like the best. there isn't a limit to the amount of themes you can have installed on your PC, so have at it :) But i would definitely check out Mr. Grim's, Razorsedge, NOFX1994 and Devilsbrand's sections. They're the top theme builders in my opinion. But all the other builders are good as well. you can't really go wrong with any theme that you choose :happy:

also if you check out my youtube channel i have made videos for most of the themes that these guys have made. just click the WWW button under my name. it may help you in your decision a little bit :cheeky:

May 8th, 2011, 08:27 PM
Thanks, I definitely will check the vids you have on youtube. I've seen pics of Mr. Grims themes on DeviantArt and will prolly make his Midnight theme the very first one I try. Not to alienate any of the other incredible Artists here, I do like to browse and try to see 'everything' but after seeing how extensive the collection is here I may have to forgo that pleasure as it looks like it could take me a few years to accomplish that. Thanks again for the Warm Welcome :smile:

Just followed the vid step-by-step and Mr. Grim's Midnight Theme is working :) Now I just gotta read a little more and figure out how to change the start orb because the default orb looks like graffiti.

Thanks once again for the advice, the link to the video, and taking the time to make the video. I've never felt this confident doing what I figure to be a major system change to my machine.

And Thanks to Mr. Grim as well for the incredible theme. :)

Hopefully this is the last edit, I went thru the forums, found the Start Orb Changer, installed it and everything looks intense now!! :)

I just hope I don't turn into some kinda Window7 Theme Junkie or something like that lmao Oops, too late :evil:

bgjerlow designs
May 8th, 2011, 08:35 PM
Hi SoundGuy, welcome to Virtual Customs. Glad to have you here :)